Germs at hotels...

United States
March 13, 2007 8:27pm CST
I was on an auto shop for an oil change so I grabbed a magazine to entertain myself. As I was reading...I read an article about the germs at hotels. Did you know that from the most expensive and to the cheapest hotel...they all carry germs and viruses. The worst germ and virus carriers are the doorknob, ice bucket, telephone, alarm clock, hotel guide booklet, faucet, lamp switch, and toilet flush. These are the major hotel property that many people often touch and the housekeeper seldom cleans assuming that they are clean. The more people who touched it, the more germs it carries. Another thing that gross me out is that the hotels chair contains feces. More often, they say people usually sit on the chair naked that's why. Feces might be on the floor too. The less germ and virus carriers are carpet, bed, and far as I remember. When I checked in hotels...I don't use the comforter. I know they don't change it everyday as they change the bed sheets and blankets.
4 responses
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
Oh yucks!! I can especially imagine that scene when you talked about a naked person sitting on a chair full of feces! :P I don't use the comforter too - because they clean it like once every year or 2. Arghh..
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
14 Mar 07
This is disgusting and I believe there are lots of germs there, I just never really thought alot about it. Now I will be extra cautious the next time I check in. Thanks for this post.
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• United States
15 Mar 07
I too. I know there are germs everywhere but the feces on hotels chair opened up my eyes.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
14 Mar 07
I have read a similar article and now my feelings towards hotel rooms have chnged. I always take the bedspread off, spread a clean towel on a chair before I sit down and wash down the toilet seat with soap before using it. But one still has to touch light switches, lamps and all the other items. It is a real eye opener how pervasive germs are.
• United States
15 Mar 07
Yup! I'm not even cautious at all but having to read this article is a real eye opener.
• United States
14 Mar 07
i've worked in several hotels. if most people knew what goes on in them,they would run from them screaming.i always tell friends if you must stay in one,order extra blankets immediately (and remove the old ones),and bring disinfectant with you. and make sure the glasses in the room are disposable plastic-those glass ones don't always get cleaned properly.
• United States
15 Mar 07
Thanks for sharing! You basically it's all true from your own experience???