Dreams starting coming onn!!! are they Good or Bad?

Dreams bad or good? - Dreams in night
@samraf (725)
March 14, 2007 3:31am CST
Before i remmember i never had regular dreams in sleep but now days they are coming regularly. what should be the reason? are dreamz coming at regular basis good or bad?
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2 responses
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
14 Mar 07
It depends on what kind of dreams you have. If they are about you being pursued by a man, being eaten alive, burning in the pit of hell or fall down and not flying up, but keeping on fall, being unable to get up from a situation, they are bad. If they are remembrance dreams, dreams of something you want to do, have semi familiar settings, are in places you have not been but would like to be, you are doing something you have no skills at, you are talking with famous people, in famous buildings, and you do not have a feeling of impending doom, they are good.
@samraf (725)
• India
15 Mar 07
well its all about coming and not coming of dreams its nothing to do what i am watching in my dream. still Thanks alot :)
@pitstop (13066)
• India
14 Mar 07
A lot of times you never remember what you dream and you think that you've never dreamed. Dreams sometime reflect your inner feelings, fears etc. Also you need to sleep deeply to dream... so dreaming may actually reflect good sleep!
@samraf (725)
• India
14 Mar 07
well 2nd post also tells the same story so i am sure now thats only for good reason