shopping list anyone?

United States
March 15, 2007 12:28am CST
Do you make a shopping list when you are off to the supermarket? Or do you just keep a mental list of what you need then just refresh your memory when you are already there? I know that doing so will save more time, but I don't think I will ever be that organized. I enjoy just looking around the aisles row by row and see what I need, rather than have a list then just grab those stuff, I enjoy browsing through products and stuff. Do you see to it that you make a shopping list? Cause I still see people holding a list when I go to the supermarket and I didn't really think that a lot of people still do that.
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41 responses
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I probably wouldn't be "functional" without a shopping list. It hangs on the side of the fridge, and I add to it every time we run out of something, or whenever I remember something that has been missing for a while. I've tried the "stand in the store and remember what I need" approach, but find that I just end up coming home with a bunch of stuff I already had, and NOT some of the things I REALLY needed, because we were completely OUT. Maybe it makes a difference that I live fairly far from the supermarket, so I can't just run down around the corner to get forgotten things.
• United States
15 Mar 07
Oh so you are indeed a shopping list person... we are therefore completely different.. I know that I will forget if I don't write it down but then that is still what I do.. ahaha... I just like it that I am there then I have to think of what I need then look around instead of having a ready list. Although I could use some organizing.. ahahha
@peavey (16936)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I would be lost without a list and probably have to go back to the store three or more times to get what I really needed. I hate to be without things when I want to have something, so a list helps me to be organized enough to keep a stock of various things on hand.
@shrekk (561)
• Pakistan
16 Mar 07
I dont usually do that much of shopping as to need a shopping list. However, when I do sometimes, my mother insists on making one. I dont like taking out lists and checking things in front of the shopkeeper, and so I walk out relying on my memory alone. Mostly, I dont forget anything, but there've been some times in the past when I bought the wrong thing or forgot buying one. Like you, I know making lists is discpline and it's always the proper way to do work, but I just never get myself to be that organized. I guess I enjoy that game of trying-to-remember-what-mummy-said, in the middle of the supermarket.
• United States
17 Mar 07
haha! yeah thats' how it works for me too... like, it is kinda much more fun to be thinking or recalling what you need to buy when you are already theres, keep the mental juices flowing..
@naka75 (795)
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
A shopping list can save a lot time and hassle. And you can compare prices and alternatives. But I will still keep a look out for new products on the shelves.
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• United States
15 Mar 07
I used to make a shopping list. But, as it turned out, I ended up forgetting the list. So, now I just walk up and down each aisle to see what I need and it works out much better.
• United States
16 Mar 07
Yeah, if we only have the luxury of time it really is nice to walk from aisle to aisle and check out stuff one by one right? ANd eventually you'd get everything you need too.
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
i used to shop without a list but i end up buyimg things that i don't need. plus, i go waay over my budget. so now i try to write down all the things i need to buy then i stick to it. its more practical that way but sometimes i get tempted and buy other things that's not on my list.
• United States
15 Mar 07
I keep pen and a notebook in my bag at all times for this very reason. Also, when I'm pressed for time my memory goes out the window and I also end up going oner my budget.
• United States
16 Mar 07
Personally I do not make shopping lists. I have a mental list of what I need but I enjoy browsing through stores and deciding what else I want as I go as well, and I don't like to be limited by a list on a piece of paper. I admit that I may be somewhat of an impulse shopper because of this but in most cases if I really don't want something I can decide BEFORE I pay so I'll just take the item out.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
I use a shopping list. I never used to, but I found that when I kept a mental list there was this one thing I forgot. I do go through the look through the articles, but we are on a budget, my husband will soon retire, and I don't want to pick up extra junk.
@kapoet (270)
• Indonesia
16 Mar 07
I'm the people like what do you say. I'm very easy to forget something. So, for safety I usually used notebook. Or my handphone anytime. For shopping, I don't want spent a lot of money without control. So, I check list what must I buy and don't buy anything which I don't need that too urgent.
• India
16 Mar 07
since i can forget a long list of items, so i usually make a list. and also refresh my list when i am in the supermarket, because there are many things which does not come to your mind when u are at home. so its a good habbit to make a list of items , when u go to supermarket.
• United States
16 Mar 07
I NEVER make a shopping list.I just go to the store and browse.But i think i should start making lists cuz 9 times out of 10 when i get home i realize i didnt get something i needed.I think lists are handy but im so unorganized that i cant even remember to make a list.
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
am pretty my trips to the supermarket are usually a "shopping list" is not popular with me..heheeeheheh, i usually just check row by row..
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
i still bring along with me my shopping list. having a shopping list saves me time. it makes me sure i got the very things i needed. it saves my money. without my shopping list will eventually deprive me to miss anyone of the above. most surely i would be into impulse buying bcoz i would be tempted to buy the things i like not the things i need. that`s a tip from a store supervisor consumer welfare!
@juskoday (183)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
It would depend really whether I have a lot of things to buy or not. Generally, when I replenish the pantry or stock up goods for the entire week, I write a list and stick to buying things from it. If it's just one or two items, then I go directly to the grocery unplanned.
@joy1982 (226)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
for me i think if im the one who will go to grocery store i will not make a list anymore coz i know already what im going to buy.. but if i only ask somebody to do it for me to go to supermarket i make a list and gave it to her.. maybe you see bringing their list at the supermarket maybe they shop not for themselve but for somebody.
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I almost always take a shopping list with me, because I will forget what we need. My two kids distract me and I can't think straight when I am making sure they behave =) So I have to have a list...
• China
16 Mar 07
I still hold a shopping list when I go to the supermarket.Because a lot of time I would forget what I need to buy.Then when I come back I foung I frogot something important.So I still need a list but I also buy sth that wasn't on my list.If I need that then I would buy it.
@anna_82 (115)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
i always make a list, so i will not forgot the important things that i have to buy, specially when you are in a hurry, shopping list is very helpful to me. i go to supermarket everyday, and i cant go there without my list.:)
@pidgey (181)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
i dont do shopping list much... i only buy necessary items when i go to supermarkets..
• United States
16 Mar 07
Well, for me personally, I find myself making a list and not following it once I get in the store. I usually have every intention on using it but for some reason once I am in there, I am going aisle to aisle and seemingly forgetting about that piece of paper. I end up getting more than whats on their anyways so why bother. Also, I like to browse, I just like the idea shopping.