over sleep harm the body

March 15, 2007 6:49am CST
usually sleep 8 hours is enough for body,but is that real ? some people say is 5 hours, normally you have enough sleeping? and how many hours that you usually sleep?
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10 responses
@nanosec (11)
• Indonesia
15 Mar 07
I am a student and usually 8 hours is enough for me, but when i have nothing to do i tend to sleep more than that, around 10-12 hours a day.Sounds very lazy, i know. If i sleep 12 or more a day, it makes me more sleepy and want to sleep more which will make me sleepy again. I don't know how to manage or get into the sleep cycle thing, could it maximize your sleep benefit although you sleep less ? I once heard a friend of mine said that sleep at 11pm and got up at 7 am is better that sleep at 2 am and got up at 11am, although the second have more hour but the timing when you sleep also affect your sleep quality. When i tried to do the first one, i feel fresh at first and sleepy again at around 10. Usually i do the second one. Perhaps there is some trick in sleeping?
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• Malaysia
15 Mar 07
lol,then you must take attetion about it,sleep too much is no good,take care oh
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
15 Mar 07
Different people will need to sleep for different numbers of hours and feel comfotable with. As i know 8 hours is the normal sleeping hours for people, havng too much may not better as yout body will be in the 'sleeping' mode if you sleep too much. I have experienced it before , I have been sleeping for more than 10 hours but i still feel exhausted the next day. In fact whether you can feel refresh the next day depends on whether you can sleep 'deeply',a 'deep' sleep is a cycle of around 4-5 hours, if you can have it one night, most probably you alread yhave enough rest that day.
• Malaysia
15 Mar 07
since you know this teori,i sure you are the person that concern health,take care
@RAMPersona (2033)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
i normally get 6~7 hours of sleep a night, 12mn up.. but i get a 30+ minutes siesta in the afternoon anyway, i found this info about sleep.. The National Sleep Foundation maintains that seven to nine hours of sleep for adult humans is optimal and that sufficient sleep benefits alertness, memory and problem solving, overall health, as well as reducing the risk of accidents. A widely publicized 2003 study performed at University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine demonstrated that cognitive performance declines with fewer than eight hours of sleep. quoted from wikipedia.org
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@ydnac22 (802)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
i try to have atleast 8 to 10 hours of sleep everyday especially during rest day.If it goes beyond that hours i feel weak ,dunno why.Maybe its true that over sleep harm our body.
• Malaysia
15 Mar 07
then you must have a normal sleep hours,take good care oh
@joanna08 (394)
• Philippines
24 Mar 07
now that im in college i consider 6 to 7 hours of sleep as a good one. i dont ask for more because that would be impossible. during exams 3hours is enough for me, im never grumpy because of lack of sleep, im even hyper! hahaha... during the summer i'll sleep for like 8 hours because no one waking me up! haha.. :)) and i love it, although im worried because it will have an effect in my weight. :( haha.. but that's okay...
• Malaysia
24 Mar 07
friend, i think you can keep you weight,dun worry,lol
@exx007 (167)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
to much asleep will kill you.
@aweins (4199)
• India
24 Mar 07
usually it is said that way but i never got that much time tpo sleep. i sleep for max. 5 hours . as i m having a very busy shedule.
@wildhorse (1293)
• Egypt
16 Mar 07
Sleeping hours vary from one person to another some may be fine with 4 or 5 hours while others need much more to be able to function through the day :) I need a lot of sleep, I sleep at least 8 hours and sometimes 9, I don't see anything wrong in that I can sleep less when i have to but this how my nature is and how I feel comfortable the most :)
@lowyder (282)
• Canada
24 Mar 07
1 time i went to bed at 7.am then woke up 5.am next morning and never felt so energized i was up at 5 unlikes my usalll 12 noon wakeup time lol low
@around (6)
• China
24 Mar 07
I'm trying to sleep less than 6 hours. But that will make me sleepy at 4 to 6 p.m.