I am in love with my bestfriend

United States
March 16, 2007 4:49am CST
I am going threw a very hard time i am in love with this girl i met six months ago, we started dating in the beginning and everything was going well. we broke up the day after new years day and decided to be friends. I live with her. she says i am her best friend and that she cares for me and that she has never ever been close to anybody like me. the reason why she broke it off is because i did not do certain things right. i am divorced and during the time me and my friend were together my ex-wife kept calling me. ever since i have cut all communication with my ex wife and to let my friend know that i made a mistake by not doing it right away. now she is into myspace and she has met someone is seems she really likes this person and it bothers me alot. I dont know what to do i really care alot for her. what should i do.
2 responses
• Malaysia
16 Mar 07
as in my experience.. i'd found my classmate after 15 years.. and through this 15 years.. we kept our feeling and never told each other that we have the same feeling.. why i should waiting for 15 years to tell that i love him? and fortunately.. he still single and i take this moment to say that i love him and i don't wanna lose him anymore..
• United States
16 Mar 07
thank you for you're reponse
@mykykko (424)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
try to tell her,there's no harm on trying..atleast you give it a try.who knows..the feeling is mutual