Some money to spend... what should I buy ?

March 16, 2007 2:41pm CST
I got some extra money recently and I like to buy new things. What should I buy ? Any suggestions ? Any ideas are welcomed ! :)
5 responses
16 Mar 07
Hi Im Toya Well you could buy anything Depends how much money u got. You could buy a car, a house, new clothes, go out with your friends somewhere rich and cool, take your girl out, or get a girl you like and take her somewhere - on holiday or a expensive hotel or go out to a club you think is the coolest and spend loads of money. anything you like...just think of all the things you like doing and just go and do them!!! good luck Im here to listen I love spending money!!!
• Canada
16 Mar 07
Buy a car = Done Buy a house = Just did :) The expensive hotel sounds good. Maybe I could buy her a nice ring... what do you think ? Thanks for the ideas !
17 Mar 07
Hi Sounds like youre my kind of guy!!! Ok so you got the car and the house and you already got a girl..well if you're in love and think a ring'd do it then I'd go for it, but maybe some other jewellry first to see her reaction, or maybe a holiday somewhere expensive for a couple of days. I know it's none of my biz but then it could be just like a thing if the ring idea goes wrong!!
• Canada
17 Mar 07
In fact we are almost married. We are together for 7 years. I just thought about buying her a new ring. I know she likes rings.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
maybe in vest on some porjects that can earn you more money online. maybe marketing your site more and earn money from there.
@Angelinka (1410)
• Italy
17 Mar 07
well,the best way to use extra money to give all your cash to somebody who really needs me for example:)just kidding....
• Canada
16 Mar 07
It really depends what you like. I usually buy stuff that I can plug into my computer somehow. So my next purchase will have to be a RAM upgrade. Or maybe a new motherboard.
• Canada
16 Mar 07
Extra RAM could be useful I agree. We never have enough of that. I actually have only 1Go Thanks for your idea !
@juskoday (183)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
Well, if I had your luck (and extra cash!) I'd either buy a new celphone or a Wii.