What do you like to do during weekends?

March 19, 2007 4:00am CST
just a survey.... pls answer...
4 responses
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
im in school so during week ends i spend majority of my time doing my school stuff so its only saturdays and sundays that i can spend time for myself. i like reading so i make sure i by friday i bought foods that i need for the whole weekends and never go out during weekends. just stay in bed and read a novel or some selp-help books.
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
It depends on my mood.Usually i go out of town just to unwind have a naure tripping. Just want to see how beautiful the nature is.Especially the beaches i want to see the sunrise and sunset. If i dont have out of town i just go to sleep all day.Take a rest.:)
@subathra (3519)
• India
19 Mar 07
If i have to see a friend whom i met a long before i will go out with him/her.Since saturday is also a holiday for me i prefer to go out with friends and take rest on sunday so i will be fresh to get into my office work.Some weekends i love to stay home with my family.
19 Mar 07
I like to go sight seeing.especially if it is sunny,I like to go to parks,we enjoy seeing our daughter run around playing in the park.Botanical gardens are my favourite.Otherwise,in winters,I prefer to go to museums like art museums and science museums.But I don;t like to be at home on weekends except if I am not feeling well.