What do you turn on first when you wake up in the morning???

March 20, 2007 11:20am CST
When I get up in the morning, the first thing I turn on is my radio/ cd cassette coz it's in my room and it feels nice listening to my favorite songs early in the morning while I do some stretching before going out of my room.:P but my mom turns on the TV first thing in the morning head straight to the local news channel where she could get the latest news around the city and the country. She stays there for almost half an hour and then get up and go out of the house for some fresh air...:P how about you, what do you turn on first when you get up from bed? Is it your tv or your radio? why so? do share your thoughts...:P Godbless!
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127 responses
• United States
20 Mar 07
I personally am like your mother. I turn the television on for the local news, traffic, and weather. It helps out during the commute to be able to get all of that information. It's important to me to have the weather forecast available because I take public transportation every day.
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• Philippines
20 Mar 07
I have to agree with you, thrwbckjay. it really is helpful when you watch for the local news early in the morning to get yourself aware of what's happening around especially the traffic and the weather. thanks for yout response. Godbless!
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@ganwn071 (1116)
• Singapore
20 Mar 07
The first thing I turn on is the television in the morning, I will turn to the news channels and leave it on while i get myself ready for work. This will help me to keep up to date of what had happens while I was sleeping.
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• Philippines
20 Mar 07
you share the same views with my mom, ganwn..thanks for your response.. :P
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• Zimbabwe
21 Mar 07
my friend equally share the same view with you
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• United States
20 Mar 07
It depends. I leave my tv on all night so I don't bother with that. However, sometimes if I have time, I'll turn my computer one and check my email or something quickly before I have to go about my day. I don't have quick access to a cd player or that would probably be the first thing I turn on.
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• Philippines
20 Mar 07
Well, I don't need to turn on my cassette on when i wake up in the morning because my roommate turns it on already. When I wake up, I'll go directly to the bathroom and, turn the lights on and take a shower. :)
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
20 Mar 07
I often off my handphone before I go to bed. On when I woke up first thing is to turn on the handphone, mostly to see the time, and to off the alarm if I wakes up before the alarm is triggered.
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@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I don't turn on either, I love peace and quiet when I first wake up. The very first thing I turn on is the coffee maker, LOL. Gotta have my coffee. Then I turn on the computer. No tv or radio for me.
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• India
20 Mar 07
d 1st thing dat i do is ... open ma eyes!!! haha !!
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• Zimbabwe
21 Mar 07
thats true my friend i also open mine too
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@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
21 Mar 07
The lights, silly! I don't turn on anything else. Although the radio is my alarm clock, so that's what wakes me up, but I turn it off.
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• United States
21 Mar 07
The first thing I turn on is my coffee maker. Then if it's dark, I light a candle. Then some incense. Then I write in my journal. I wait awhile to turn on the radio, and listen to the news, which isn't very uplifting after all. Then I turn on my computer, and check my email. Thanks for asking.
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• Philippines
21 Mar 07
I usually turn on the television first and put it on a news channel to be somewhat aware of what's happening while I was asleep or what events are going on during that day or the following days. Then watch sports or music channels to listen to music. And after that, internet time.
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• Philippines
21 Mar 07
when i get up in the morning, i switch on the radio to fm station, i have selected different station everyday, depending on what the station have for that day like, RX monster Radio 93.1 have the 80's music every wednesday, Friday is 80's song for Magic 89.9 , and when sunday i have so many selection. I just want to hear my fave song, while preparing for work, much totally if i am waiting for my new favorite songs.
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@dodong80 (35)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
first thing i turned on is my lighter...and smoke my way up to the bathroom...then to the kitchen for a cup of coffee...
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@RhynoMan (33)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I wake up to 98.1 fm, a nice smooth jazz station. Then i get dressed and going to my early morning church class. Then I come home,eat breakfast, and leave for school
@raptorbyt (105)
• India
21 Mar 07
I turn my brain on...and then i turn on my lights.
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@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
21 Mar 07
The first thing I do is get up get dress and take my dogs out and feed them then coffe and so on.
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@whacks (774)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
When I get up in the morning, I turn on my computer and connect to the internet, open my mails, etc. There are so many things to read and do in the internet so I feel convenient that we have our own computer and unlimited internet connection.
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@Caila611 (992)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Lately it's the heat and then the tv. For some reason our programmable thermostat is back at it's factory settings andit does not come on in the morning like it's supposed to until i turn it up. GRRR. No fun waking up to being cold. I have to watch the news every morning. Since i don'twork it's how i stay current with what's going on.
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• Philippines
21 Mar 07
My computer is the first thing I turn on when I wake up in the morning.. Now, that I'm on leave from work because of my pregnancy, there's really not much at home for me to do.. So my life actually these past few days has been mostly spent infront of the computer.. From the moment I wake up until it's time once again for bed..
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
21 Mar 07
coffee maker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
i start the day turning on the radio to listen to the news and at the same time i turn on my computer,too to read my emails and login to myLot. nice idea, isn't it? brod, try to visit my personal blog at www.wftorre07.blogspot.com and see what help you can give.
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