My son feels education is crap! Help me!!!

my son - u feel so great when ur son walks holding ur finger! priceless!!
March 22, 2007 6:58am CST
my son is about 14 yrs now. since last year he has changed a lot. he was earlier very good in studies, but i dont know wat happened, since last year he has lost interest in studies. actually i found that his friends hav changed too. he normally comes home from school & just runs away to be with his friends. he gets very upset if we question about his friends. we r very worried as the more we try to investigate the problem the more he gets angry & rebelious. one day he said 'this education is all crap...' i was speechless! i asked him dont u want to study & he said he is studying only because we presurise him to do so. he says he wants to do something more exciting, but wat exactly he does not say. one day my neighbour uncle told me that he saw him smoking with his friends. i was shocked. i feel so helpless. plz help me. how should i confront my son. i want my son back. HELP ME.
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1 response
• United States
20 Apr 07
I feel your pain, my son started acting up and not liking school about the same age, when I went to the counselor they expressed to me that all children, starting at the age of 13 to the age of 19 will be a problem and rebel back. All you can do is keep pressuring him to finish, hopefully he will listen in between being with his friends or being disrespectful to you, I wish you the best.