What blog add ons do you use on your side bar

Blogging tools - Calendars, tickers, traffic tools etc etc
@pitstop (13066)
March 29, 2007 2:56am CST
I dont add any as I feel they clutter up the space but am interested in adding a few codes to my side bar to enhance the page. I have a shoutbox and text ads (by adbrite) and a tracker on my blogger blog. Anything interesting I can add on there - theres space for a few things! I'm especially looking for stuff that may help me increase traffic to my blog.
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2 responses
• United States
29 Mar 07
I don't have any, as I'm not exaclty sure how to add them all. But I hope to add more in teh future. Do they make a difference pay-wise. Do you get paid for each banner? Feel free to visit, I have tips on making money online http://sigriet.blogspot.com/
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@pitstop (13066)
• India
29 Mar 07
You've got an interesting blog. My blog is just a personal blog and I'm not interested in making money from it.
@Agimat (355)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
One thing you can add if you don't already have it is the "Top Commentators" plugin. This plugin lists the names of people who leave the most number of comments on your blog. What's great about this plugin is that the names listed link to the commenter's blog. It's a free backlink for anyone as long as they visit your site regularly to leave comments. You can choose to have the list refresh everyday, weekly, or monthly. My blog is only a month old and this is one of the plugins I use. Hope this helps. If you're curious, my blog is at www.brownbaron.com/blog/
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