do you know that dogs are now being made into fur coats?

@nietske (199)
April 1, 2007 4:47am CST
I know, this is what every animal lover is dreading. The newest animal to be made into coats are... Yes: dogs. In large fur producing countries stray dogs are know being chocked to death (to minimalise the damage to the skin) and made into fur. Especially golden retrievers are a big hit. Makes you think twice about fur doesn't it?
2 responses
• Philippines
6 Mar 11
Yes and i find that very disgusting too. These animals doesn't deserved to be butchered and treated like that.
• United States
1 Apr 07
I find this totally disgusting. If there was a drastic need with humane treatment it would still be awful. I believe this was done in Japan after the 2 bombs were dropped in WWII (I think). I don't know how they were killed. They used the Akita's. That is why that if a person owns an Akita they can contact the government of Japan and they are suppost to help take care of it if the owner no longer can care for the animal. This was in thanks for the Akita's clothing, gaurding and general around saving them after the war. I don't know if Japan still does this. The Akita's almost were extinct from this.