What happens when you deny a friend request?

@rx4life (1930)
United States
April 1, 2007 3:25pm CST
Does the person that made the request get a notification that the request was denied? I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings or be judgemental but their are some people that make a request and I look into their profiles and see that they don't respond to posts...rarely post or have no commonality with me...I would rather just not accept the request..but wonder what it appears to them. Can anyone tell me? And if I were just to not respond to the request at all does it stay in my friends requests forever?...I know I sound rather uninformed..I should have asked this question a month ago...I think it would have saved me much grief!!! Thanks for any help....
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24 responses
• Singapore
1 Apr 07
Nothing will happen. Unless they remember to check back, they won't even know. When you deny the request, it would be as if the request was never sent in the first page. After the request was sent, he will see on your profile page that it is "request pending". After you deny it, it will be back to "add a friend". So if he is tracking, he will know you have rejected him.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Thank you for that tidbit...I have had this happen a couple of times and even have one person that although I rejected the request, they sent another request in a week!! It will be best for me to deny it and not worry about it!!! I should have know the great lordwarwizard would hold the answer to my quandry!!!
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• Philippines
2 Apr 07
that is informative. i have someone who wanted to add me but i denied it also. i think he don't keep on track at me he he. i wish!
• Singapore
2 Apr 07
Haha :P You can always say you didn't receive the request and claim it is another myLot glitch. It *is* possible after all. But if you are outstanding enough, I think he might know he had requested to be your friend but got rejected. I do keep track.. and it makes me mildly upset - there are people who have rejected me - I sent my request twice to make sure it is no glitch.
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@paidreader (5143)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I'm in the same boat with you rx4life. It's hard to know why someone wants to be your friend if you can't tell what their interests are or see what made them select you as a friend. I've only been here a month, but it was getting easier to tell with the old profile layout. Because I have quite a few requests, I started a discussion, asking that they introduce themselves before asking to be my friend, just so I could find out why they found me interesting enough to be friends with. I hadn't quite figured out that some discussions roll way back onto the list at some point, so I don't know if it will work or not. Time will tell I suppose. hmmm, just had a thought.... maybe I can approve the request and then send them an PM with the link to the discussion. Then it wouldn't be lost. :D Glad I took the time to respond to this one, it let me figure out one of my problems, by suggesting something to help yours. I just love MyLot! I'd like to know if you get any other good suggestions so I eagerly await the responses you get and will be stopping back often. :)
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
1 Apr 07
A win/win....we both got some answers..that's always good!! And I liked your solution for yourself...I'll be watching for even more info...Thanks..and I'll check out that discussion!
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@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
1 Apr 07
They get no notification. If they were really interested in your friendship and they will check their friends list, they'll know.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Thanks for the info:)
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Apr 07
I do not believe that the person is notified and if people are like me, they don't get too concerned if someone doesn't add them. We all add friends for our own reasons such as common interests, location, etc...so it isn't a personal thing. I wouldn't worry about it, just deny or accept and move on. There are over 84000 people here, we certainly can't have them all on our friends list...LOL !!
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Good point on the number of members to add!!!
• United States
1 Apr 07
I'm not sure if it shows them a notification or not, my guess would be no to avoid tension and akwardness between users. But you shouldnt be worried about denying requests either way because you have good reasons to deny them. If they question you tell them you dont think they are active enough. But def. dont worry about hurting anyones feelings or anything, I bet if you check they already have a bunch of friends. If they dont then that prob. means a lot of people denied them.
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Excellent idea...checking their friends list...I am glad I finally asked about this as it has been an issue for me!!!
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• United States
1 Apr 07
yes they will be notified that you denied them. I am pretty sure that you wont hurt their feelings. I accept all the friends i have and then sometimes i go their there posts.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I used to accpet all requests but had some difficulties so have chosen to be more selective..not judging..just more selective.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I was worried about it like you because I have only denied one person and it was by accident I am glad that people do not get the you were denied sign. I sometimes add people then find we have nothing in common or they don't post I have deleted alot off my frineds list due to this, I have had one person everytime I delete them ask to be friends like within a day or so that happened 3 imes same person so I now just leave them on.lol Well I hope you got the info yo needed from all these great posts. Well good luck and happy posting.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I have decided it is not worth worrying about...but you all have been so great to post so much information for me!!! I know what you mean about the ever-asking friend...I had one person doing that and I also just left them on!LOL
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
As far as I know people who were denied in their request does not recieved any mail notification of the rejection. I guess it is better this way.... to keep everybody in harmony. For me I always add anyone who wants to friended me. Everybody is welcome as long as they don't destroy my reputation.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Harmony is always good...
• United States
2 Apr 07
I'm not really sure how that works. There was one person that asked me to add them and when I checked their profile then I saw that we didn't really have anything in common so I denied the request. I would keep getting requests from them over and over everytime I denied them. Then finally they stopped.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
3 Apr 07
So far I've figured from all the information everyone has provided that I should never have worried about it in the first place!!
• India
2 Apr 07
no...i dont think the person gets a notification about that you have denied being his or her friend....i mean,...i get loads of requests from ppl whom i dont know...and i have to cancel them but that doesnt make them come back to me and tell me that i am jerk...
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Good perspective..
• Canada
2 Apr 07
Nothing happens lol. they don't get a notification that their request was denied, and they'll only find out if they go into their friends list and check specifically to see whether the request was denied or not. There is nothing wrong with being picky about who you accept or deny. I think we all are to a certain degree and there's really nothing wrong with that. We can't all have everything in common with each other at all times. Don't feel bad about denying requests. It's a part of what makes us all different that we don't accept everyone and anyone who sends a request.
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
3 Apr 07
YOu are right...we are all different and that's what makes it so interesting!!
@akopoto (177)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
Since I'm relatively new here, I'm just accepting friend invites because I want to build a group that may help me in mylot. You've got a point there because I see some people who just receive but rarely give support to their 'friends'.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
2 Apr 07
It's nice to have those that respond and participate in your discussions...good luck :)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I really don't worry about it. If I choose to approve or deny a friend's request. Even if I did get a response from them -- It's not going to change my thinking either.
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Best no to worry about it!:)
• China
2 Apr 07
I have spent a lot of time to learnt how to say no to my friend. I was afraid to see my friends' disappointed face. I was afraid my friends would not help me any more when I was in trouble. But some things I really did not want to for them or some things broke my principle. After many years, I found that refusing is a kind of normal thing. If you have a strong reason for the refuse,you can speak out. if you have not a forceful reason, you can just say 'Sorry I cannot help you,maybe next time'.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Saying no can be difficult in many aspects of life..this is no different...but we need to adhere to our principles and go from there...:)
@ankit2584 (109)
• India
2 Apr 07
well i dont think much happens. when you are requesting someone as a friend on mylot dont always except the answer to be "Accept". It can many a times be "Deny". If someone denied my request i would feel anything. And i think thats the way to go.
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I also wouldn't be offended...
• Indonesia
2 Apr 07
Waaah I denied friends request twice I dont like ppl who use se-xy female photos as their avatar. It looks inpolite for me I nevercheck who requested frineds. But I dont think they will accept notivication
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I think we all have our criteria for accepting or rejecting friends..and it's not really personal..just different perspectives..:)
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
1 Apr 07
No when you deny a friends request you do not receive a notification they just do not end up on your friends list. Yes you are right and I have just sent out a discussion talking about this and also other friends that I have accepted that just do not have enough information in their discussions so I cannot accept them as my friends due to them doing this. You are always welcome rx4life and of course you will be one that will definately stay on my friends list as I know that you put more information in your discussions and also respond to my discussions and I thank you for that have a lovely day!!
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I'm glad it's not just me!!! Armed with the info I have been provided by my wonderful buddies at myLot I am feeling confident that what I have done is the right thing for me...I just can't accept everyone and those that aren't active and/or responsive will be some I will probably avoid..and as for information in discussions,kathy77, you are always an interesting one to read and respond to!!!!
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
When you denied a friend's request, that friend won't get any notification unless he/she check your profile again to see if its set as "pending friend request" or "add as a friend." We're in the same boat with this friend request dilemma. I seriously doubted the true intention of most of the friends who wish to be on my list. Some of them will request for my friendship and after I accepted them, they will magically disappeared or became inactive. Others are active but they forget to do their duty by partaking in some of my threads. The most irritating one are the spammers. I have recently denied one friend's request and after a day, she requested to be on my list again. But no activities nor movements can be seen on her. I really can't decipher why some mylotters will go to the trouble of requesting themselves when they are not helping and supporting me. Just keep looking for members whom you feel can help you. Good luck!!!
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Very similar experiences...the spammers irk me to no end....:) Yes, I have learned that being more patient and checking into the reasoning is most advantageous...I, of course, accept all that are responders and posts of quality and interesting topics..that's what adds value to this site!!! Thanks for the response....( I love the bunny :)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
Nope no notificaion! haven't received any! I just keep track that's all! Have a nice day!
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@thanuarun (290)
• India
2 Apr 07
ya u r right... surely it will hurt others heart.may be they will think i never respond to his discussions,but no use...he can't do nothing agaist u...here mylot gives the right to everybody for choosing their friends like life...till now i approved only..
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I think some are more affected by it than others..we each have to act according to our own rules...