How long can you keep a secret ?

United States
April 6, 2007 11:41pm CST
I am the wrost at thaet. I get all excited that I have a secret I spill the beans. Like one year, when Jerry was 12, we lived in South Jersey and he loved the NY Yankess. So Thom bought a bus ticket and game tickets to take him up there to see his first game. I could hardly hold the secret close. Well they went, Jerry had a wonderful time. Now he works for the NY Yankees at all their Home Games.
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35 responses
@gabsslol (20)
• Italy
7 Apr 07
I'm not much good to keep a secret....Every time that i have a secret, i must say it to someone. But it depends also on the importance of the secrets. If it's a very important secret, i think that nobody can keep a secret ...and you have the need to say it to someone, with wich you can speak
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
7 Apr 07
This sounds like a great job. There are some secerts like surprizes that I can't hold in either.
@magnel (2263)
• India
7 Apr 07
i'm really good at this, I can keep secrets forever, I have so many secrets of myself.
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@ragmama (536)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I'm not great at keeping a secret, but it's become a bit easier now that I'm a mother. I love the secretive parts of birthdays, Christmas, etc. for my little girl. The big stuff - like waiting to announce this pregnancy - is harder. I'm bursting at the seams to tell everyone, but trying to wait another week or so... If it's a personal secret - as in, a friend-to-friend deal - I have no trouble keeping the secret at all. My lips are sealed.
• China
7 Apr 07
It's a shame for me to tell that i can't keep a secert for long.It makes me feel uncomfortable without sharing my secret with my close friends.
• China
7 Apr 07
I always can keep a secret in a long time.When I friend share her secret with me,I'll not tell anyone else.
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@dixielol (1579)
• United States
7 Apr 07
It depends on whose secrete it is & if it is a big one. I dont tell everyone but I almost always end up telling at least one person. Either my mom or my boyfriend. I fell like I am going to go nuts if I dont tell someone. But of the 2 people that I do tell, neither of them would ever tell anyone else. They are both really good about that. Just wish I was.
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@asteriskec (1074)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
I have this tendency to spill the beans especially if the secret involves a lot of people. For instance, I know that someone is out to destroy someone of the other camp and I feel that it will not only ruin the other person's reputation but a lot of other people's reputations as well. I can't imagine being the holder of that secret for long.
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• United States
7 Apr 07
I can definitely keep a secret. There was this situation that my inlaws told me I can be the secret keeper in the family..=) The family had been planning a surprise wedding anniversary for my inlaws and my mother-in-laws sister. It is the 40th and 50th years wedding respectively so it is so special. The planning had been going on for a year and it was like between 3 states and the Caymans, emails only. My husband was in the Caymans during that time so we have to find an alibi that he will be there. And I had to convince my father in law to be off work during that day coz everybody wanted to give my mother in law a suprise bday party. I told him not to tell my mother in law. We sent out invitations but the ones my inlaws and her sister got was a fake one. Everybody has to fly to Florida for the special occasion. And when the time really came out as a surprise and they all look at me and was shaking their heads that how long the planning had taken and sometimes the alibis are too good to be true, I never spilled the
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• Canada
7 Apr 07
I am pretty good at keeping a secret but sometimes if I am not thinking and didn't consider it all that important , I have said something and then felt bad as I didn't mean to say something that someone else considered a secret and then I repeated , but if it is something good and I know for sure it is a secret then I can keep it for a long time . When I first hear it within the first couple of days I find the hardest but once I get through them couple of days then I don't find it all that hard to keep it anymore .
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I can keep a secret for a very long time. Fortuntely, most of the secrets I kepp are of the good type. It is very rare that someone tells me something that should not be a secret to their loved ones. Then I try to convince them to tell their families.
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I get excited about some secrets too, but I think I'm pretty good at keeping them. With a happy secret like yours, it's harder to keep, especially if the person the secret is about is on to it, and trying to get a hint. Sometimes friends tell me secrets that they don't want anyone else to know, and I keep those to myself.
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@mskzalameda (4023)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
i can keep a secret as long as the holder of that same secret remains that thing a secret. if she/he is the one who said it or flaunt it, then that would never remain as a secret and that is not my fault. my only job is to keep the secret and not spread it. i can keep a friend's secret if it's for the benefit of the other, until the day i die. i am more good in keeping other's secret than my own secret ha ha!
@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I am really good at keeping secrets. I have kept secrets for years. I will never tell a secret.
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@leanette (3002)
• India
7 Apr 07
Oh no! Am not that kinds with the big mouth! lol I am very secretive, you see I respect others' secrets, sometimes, I don't tell other people's secrets to my bestfriend. Thats why people often feel safe to pour out their minds to me. :) I could also plan a perfect surprise and never give away a tiny bit to nobody. Boy, am so good at all of this! :D
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
7 Apr 07
My husband loves the yankees alot. I cant keep a secret either. And Ive come to the conclusion that people who can keep secrets are just sneaky people. We werent meant to keep secrets from each other.LOL So how long did you live in NJ. MY sister lives in florida and shes been there for 12 years now. She loves it.
@anjoks (2080)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
Well it depends actually as to what kind of secret to keep really? hehe!.. but on a more serious note, i can say that i am good at that. My friends trusts me, they know that whatever secret they have, i won't really tell a soul. But when it comes to a lighter side, things like planning for a surprise and we tend to keep it till the day comes, slipped of the tongue as what we call them. Too much excitement really let me loose. (",)
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
7 Apr 07
As long as I can until I burst.
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@hestee (250)
• Nigeria
7 Apr 07
I consider myself good at keeping secrets. You tell me what ever and if you want it to stay sealed it remains that way until you decide to lick it yourself. Friends know my reliability in that area.
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@taymouse (585)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I'm pretty good with secrets. I don't usually mess up with them. I don't understand how some people hear a secret and they just HAVE to tell. I'm not like that. Of course, if it's my OWN secret, that is about me, I usually have to tell someone. But I don't share secrets that other people tell me. Happy holidays! ~Taymouse
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