Left-over Food...

United States
April 11, 2007 11:46am CST
What do you do with your left-over foods? Store it in the ref or freeze some of it? How many days you store it before you will dump the food? If I had cooked plenty, I would freeze some and put a little bit in a container and probably it can be eaten the following day. But usually, when I store it in the refrigerator, I make sure we eat it probably two days after, more than that, I just dump it. I am not too keen to giving my toddler left-overs that has been on the ref for more than 48 hours, especially those left-over from restaurants. My husband is not too thrilled to eat left-overs too so I just make sure that I just cook enough for the family and avoid having lots of left-overs.
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32 responses
@lonely_f16 (2146)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
My mother feed the left-over food to our dog but then we know that it's not so good for the dog but then we couldn't really afford much
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• United States
11 Apr 07
My dog will love to have the left over food but he is a miniature daschund and with this breed, you really have to be strict with his diet coz if he gets too heavy, he will start having back problems. Now and then, I will let him have a taste of home cooked meals..=)
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• United States
11 Apr 07
My hubby likes to take leftovers to lunch with him because then it breaks up the sandwich routine and he feels fuller. Sometimes I save them and have them myself for lunch, but we don't usually have a lot of leftovers because I try hard to only make enough for the three of us.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I kind of do the same thing you do. If I make a big batch of something, like chili or sapghetti sauce or another type of soup I always freeze some. It's always nice if you're pressed for time to be able to go to the freezer and pull out something to just heat up really quick. As far as leftovers that we keep in the fridge, we usually use the leftovers for my husband and my lunches for work. Sometimes we have enough and have it for dinner the next night if it was something we really liked.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I have 3 teenage boys and all thier friends here most of the time. All leftovers go in the frig. They are usually gone by morning. If not, they go in my hubbys lunch.
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@smartmom (826)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I usually cook enough food so that we have for lunch for the kids for the next day, which saves us a lot of money, and my son's love getting warm food for lunch. I prefer not to store any leftovers in the refrigeator for more than 24 hours, especially not if it is for the children. If I have large portions, I therefore freeze it. My husband, who is from Jamaica, has completely different ideas about food storing. If it was up to him (and my mother-in-law) the food stay in the pot on the stove top until it was eaten, which could very easily take all day and sometimes night. My husband also thinks that as long as the meat is cooked, it can stay in the fridge for days even up to a week. I usually discreetly throw it out after a few days.
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
11 Apr 07
If it's something we really liked and had lots of, I would freeze it for another meal. If I put it in the fridge if I dont eat it by the next day I just chuck it. We aren't good at eating leftovers, we usually forget about them and they get gross in the fridge!
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• United States
12 Apr 07
We keep leftover food in the refrigerator for about a week. If after a week we do not eat it then we throw it away. We usually dont have much leftovers though.
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I do keep left-overs for one day and if nobody eats it I will throw it away.
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
12 Apr 07
I dont have that much left over food coz I only prepare the amount that I can manage to eat. I try minimize over preparing for all have been budgeted and I ahve set the particular amount for my food. Since Im still single and livign alone I always have the choice to prepare for my food or just buy enough for myself.
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@pelo26 (1552)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
We leave it to our pet dog Diabol to decide.
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• United States
11 Apr 07
Hahaha...we have a miniature daschund too, Hercules, that would love to eat the left overs. But he got his own food and we watched what he ate...so he just have a taste of my cooking now and then.
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
11 Apr 07
sometimes i pack leftovers in my husbands lunch box for work...or i might have them for the next days lunch...but tonight i'm using last nights dinner and turning it into a side dish...we had spaghetti last night ..i'm putting it into a baking dish and covering it with chhese today and serving it with our pork chops..that helps stretch the meat out...if we dont use the leftovers within a few days we throw them out...
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@sallyxu126 (1184)
• China
12 Apr 07
I will store it and eat it next time. I don't cook so many food for one time, and sure I will not let child to eat them. Adult can eat some once make sure the food is not bad . And some you can give a dog.
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• Malaysia
12 Apr 07
erm.. i will give it to my dog.. i was taught by my grandparents not to waste food.. because.. if we're to be compared with refugees and so on.. we're so lucky.. that we have some food with us .. to keep us healthy and alive.. poor them.. i always pray god will be fair to the victims of war
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• Philippines
12 Apr 07
i normally store it on my fridge, if so i get hungry later on i just put it in the microwave eat it, if not i gave it to my dog ehehe a mini pin
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@jncgiza (256)
• United States
11 Apr 07
Normally they are throw out, unless we know for certain that we will eat them within the next 2days. My husband hates left-overs to start with, so it has to be something he really likes or that taste the same as when it was just cooked for him to want to save it at all.
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I usually refrigerate my left overs. I donot make enough to store in the freezer. I usually save my left overs for lunch. It saves time and money.
@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
12 Apr 07
If I cook a huge amount, like a double recepie, I'll freeze half for another time. If there's a few helpings left, my 15 yr old stepson will end up eating it in the next couple of days. I don't think anything ends up in our fridge for longer than that. I do keep a little dry erase board on the fridge with a list of what's available for snacking. That helps keep track of what's hiding in there.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
I often have leftovers. If it's a weekday and something my son likes he will ask me to take it to school the next day :) If it's more than one portion I sometimes freeze it and the next week. Other times I store leftovers in the refrigerator and I know there will always be someone getting them soon. With two teenagers I really am sure of that :) Generally I always cook enough each night so there's enough for both me and my son to take for lunch the next day.
• United States
12 Apr 07
I am the same way! I don't feel like it is safe to eat leftovers that have been there longer than two days. My husband doesn't like leftovers either. If it is something I can freeze like spagetti or stirfry, I throw it in a freezer bag and freeze it flat so it doesn't take up too much room. I will then eat it within the next two weeks or throw it out.
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11 Apr 07
As a single mum and working fulltime and being on low income I cook for enough for two days at a time. If there is any left over it goes in the freezer so it can be used when running really late or when not feeling upto cooking after a long days work. Cooking larger quantities can work out cheaper as you use less different ingredients a week then when you'd cook new meals every day.
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