What color shirt are you wearing now?

United States
April 11, 2007 5:47pm CST
Why or what made you pick that color to wear today? And do you believe that the color that you wear reflects your mood? Or that it somehow affects how you'll feel throughout the day? On some ocassions I think it does, but more often it is just the preference that I have, not on how it affects my mood or anything but just what I feel like wearing. How about you? Do you belive in the psychology or color as to speak regarding how it affects of reflects ones mood?
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28 responses
• United States
11 Apr 07
I do believe that colors do affect your moods. I picked a yellow shirt today because it is kinda gloomy outside and rainy. The color of yellow always picks me up and puts me in a good mood. I smile at everyone and say hi.
• United States
11 Apr 07
That's good... Dress up to uplift your mood cause it is gloomy outside. It is nice that the color affects your mood in a good way and puts you in a cheerful mood then you can also brighten somebody elses day.
• Indonesia
12 Apr 07
right now i'm wearing brown t-shirt, what is the sign? i randomly choose it,:)
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• United States
9 Jul 07
My shirt is red...what made me pick that color for today? I was going to wear my new red sneakers and needed a shirt to match it, so I chose this one..I do think the colors I wear affect my mood..when I am depressed, I tend to wear more darker colors..when I am in a good mood, its going to be a vivbrant color..
@chloe9013 (532)
11 Apr 07
Today i have actually been wearing black which i VERY rarely do.. but it has a yellow outline of hello kitty on it and its super cute :) I think sometimes my mood has an impact of the colours i wear, if im in a bad mood i will likely put something on that drab in colour and shape. Where as if i am in a good mood i will likely wear bright colours and dress up more.
@YazEid (1139)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
i choosed it according to the occasion that i had today .. it is black
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@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
7 Jul 07
White, I don't feel white tough so i'm not sure that I am wearing my moods.
@ikinta (1236)
• Indonesia
17 May 07
Right now is white. I like almost all color. But I think I like red the most and I dont know the reason. Maybe it just fits my character. I'm not really brave though or maybe I just want to be brave:P
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
15 Apr 07
Now I'm wearing a orange T-shirt with black painting and writings. I have no choice and I have to put on this shirt bcoz I have bring along with me this only T-shirt. Now I'm about 96km away from my house and staying in my son's house for 2 nights. So I definetly believe the color of my shirt does not reflect my mood or anything.
@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
7 Jun 07
I'm wearing an emerald green tshirt today. I'm not sure why I picked it, I guess because it was clean and the color appealed to me today.
@vesuvius (1677)
• Philippines
15 Jun 07
As of the moment that I am typing in on this discussion, I am wearing a white shirt. Wearing something is dependent on preference and I believe preferences are greatly affected by how we feel. Transitively, it is probable that our options on the color of what we wear is indeed a reflection of our mood on that day. B-)
@demo3424 (598)
• India
19 Apr 07
i am wearing a white shirt.i think white stands for purity.it makes me feel better.
@vikki_p (256)
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
im wearing pink tanktop now, i love pink and its summer and a sunny day and i want to feel relax and wanna glow hehe pink is the color for me.. and yeah i believe i always feel happy when im in pink but there are also time that i wanna wear bold colors.. just depend on the occasion and mood actually
• Indonesia
15 Jun 07
hm i wearing red and white vertical line shirt .. hm i think it doesn't reflects between color and mood, i usually wearing black color shirt but it doesn't mean my mood is bad or i'm sad right now..
@GAUrox (203)
15 Jun 07
well right now i am wearing grey colures T-shirt....i really dont know how it reflects but i know that when i wear red then my days goes well...
• United States
12 Apr 07
i do believe that colors do reflect your mood.
@dbeast (1495)
• India
12 Apr 07
i am wearing a red t-shirt today and i dont think that the color of the t-shirt sets the mood for me.it is all a matter of the way the mind is set.it is indeed true that color has certain psychological effects on the mind.it does happen at times but not always.when you are determined and set your mind in such a way as to how it should be then things will definitely go your way.:-)
• Egypt
13 Apr 07
Sugary with Dark Blue .. i luv it too bad THX
@Kali2218 (61)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I am wearing white because that was the only color shirt that was clean. Today is laundry day. However, I do tend to wear brighter colors when I am in a better mood. I leave the drab and dreary for those days when I just don't care.
• India
13 Apr 07
Right now I am in a red salwar Kameez with yellow and green spots. I like to wear several coloured dresses. Yes I have read in books that colours have an impact on mind and body. Though I do not know whether this have any scientific truth or not.But I experienced when I wear bright coloured dresses I feel energitic and happy. What about you?
• India
12 Apr 07
hi i am rajesh and at present i am wearing a red colour shirt and i like the colour ...... as i always wear just like red and wann to wear like that i also wish to wear yellow as well as blue ....