Have you tried Glaceau Vitamin Water yet?

@sharone74 (4837)
United States
April 12, 2007 1:27pm CST
It is lightly flavored. Comes in a variety of flavors and vitamin formulations. It only has 50 calories per serving. It is really really good! For water that is. And apparently with all that they are discovering about hydrating with the right kinds of fluids and maintaining a healthy vitamin intake it seems like a good idea.
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5 responses
• United States
12 Apr 07
I've tried it and I love it. I like the multi-vitamin formula which comes in the flavor of lemonade. I think it's a good idea and that with time, it'll be improved and maybe become more popular. There are also a lot of choices in flavor, so I think that'll make it more popular with time as well. Keep in mind that there are more than one serving in a bottle, so you're really consuming more like 150 calories. Still not bad when you consider all the nutrients in it. Also keep in mind that the best way to get your vitamins is from actual food. It's better to eat oranges to get your vitamin C than to just drink orange juice. I've been told by my doctor that your body absorbs it better this way. I think it's kind of strange and I'm not sure how much I believe that.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
13 Apr 07
It's all about body soluable vitamins. If the body cannot absorb the vitamins it just puts the vitamins in places where the body flushes them.
@annihilus (2181)
• Italy
21 Apr 07
Oh no... I don't like medicines and vitamins...
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
17 Aug 07
That's the whole point silly! It doesn't taste like water or vitamins, it is good stuff.
• United States
17 Aug 07
It sure beats things like iced coffee, soda, & plain water in a variety of ways. Most of the caffinated drinks actually dry out the human system instead in the long run, meaning that you may not FEEL thirsty, but you are still a bit dehydrated. Plain water is supposed to be probably the best thing to drink for a variety of reasons. The vitamins also help. I have not seen the Glaceau brand yet, but there are a variety of other brands available in my area. I enjoyed black cherry flavor of one brand who's name I forgot. My overall favorite is Sobe orange/tangerine flavor so far.
• United States
12 Apr 07
Oh, yes, I have tried it. I have these bad headaches and one day I bought the "revive" formula with potassium and b vitamins. I noticed that my headaches went away real fast! That was when I learned that potassium helps me. I don't buy them as much any more because they are expensive. But, I just noticed that Wal-Mart sells them by the case now and I may start buying them again.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
13 Apr 07
So does Costco.
@klday76 (182)
• United States
17 Aug 07
I just started drinking Vitamin Water and I really like it. Yes, it is a bit expensive but it is a good alternative to drinking soda. I am willing to pay a little more that has added health benefits. I am going to start taking one to work with me everyday.