how to get rid of sweaty hands??

April 13, 2007 1:41am CST
my cousin has sweaty hands and she was thinking 'bout surgery but i told her it's too expensive so please if you know a few sweaty-hand remedies please spare us some.....i really wanna help her!!!
2 responses
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
this are some remedies i can share it wtih you. it may be wierd but its true, it can cure the sweating hands of your are the remedies,get a warm water a put her hands there, do it once a day or she have to pee on her hands, its sounds ridiculous but many people proved that it can cure a sweaty hands by peeing on it. And please don't wash her hands after a long hard work because it will return again to sweaty mode...:-D
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I created a discussion on this topic several months ago which may be useful for you to read through: The condition you are referring to is called Hyperhidrosis. It is a real disease, and most of the initial treatments that can be tried are band-aid treatments that do not actual cure or alleviate the problem to any significant degree. If your cousin has a severe case of Hyperhidrosis the only cure is the ETS surgery. There are topical-like medications that can be used (Drysol), there is a machine called the Drionic which is like a basin you fill with water and it sends electical impulses to the nerves in the hand to try and fool the nerve endings into not sweating. There is also botox shots (also expensive and you have to get them every 3 months or so, and it is very painful). As I said the only real way to cure the problem is to have the surgery. My son suffered with the condition from birth till the age of 17 when he finally had the surgery. Before that, he had tried every other treatment available and nothing worked, they were temporary fixes. Here are some helpful sites that discuss Hyperhidrosis: