What is the very important thing you sacrifice for your family?

April 13, 2007 1:43am CST
What is the very important thing you have sacrifice for your family?And what you ahve learn about it?
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2 responses
• United States
13 Apr 07
Because of my family, I am not able to complete my schooling in theatre right now. I tried to go back at the beginning of the school year, however because of things that I needed to take care of at home, I was unable to continue with it. Is it worth it? Yes, absolutely. Do I miss it? Completely. I know that one day I will be able to finish. I also know that my family needs me home right now.
• United States
13 Apr 07
One thing that I've sacrificed was my early adult life. I know that I'm not that old, but the sacrifice is still going on right now. I have kids, and have had them since I was a teenager. I didn't celebrate my 21st birthday, mostly because I was traveling that day to try to get my kid back from her dad in IL. I've missed many things that had I not had children I could have experienced. I never graduated; instead I got my GED. I didn't go to prom, either. I've learned that I don't want my kids to go through the same things, and that I want them to be able to experience their lives normally, and have the chances that I missed. I want them to live life to the fullest, and not have to worry about little things like if we have enough food for them to eat in the house. They don't deserve that, but I'd do whatever I could for them if it came down to it, even give my own life.