Should there be a dress code for work?

United States
April 13, 2007 9:31am CST
I have observed for a while that there is no dress code observed anymore whether it is at work, restaurants or when you go to a show/opera. I am strong believer of dress codes for the simple reason that, in my opinion and experience, it enhance and prepares me for my activities; for example, if I go to the opera or a restaurant dressing up makes me enjoy that special evening more. Do you think in the office dressing professionally adds to your personality and performance or is it all the same ??
3 responses
• United States
13 Apr 07
I don't think we need dress codes, per se, but I do think parents need to do a better job of teaching their children what is appropriate for various events. I was absolutely appalled to see people wearing tshirts and shorts to a wedding I attended a few years ago. My mother would've strung me up from the nearest tree if I'd even considered dressing so casually for such an event! To me, those people were displaying utter disrespect for the couple who was getting married. The bride was in a gorgeous gown, the groom in a tuxedo, and it was held in a church. There was nothing about the event that would have suggested 'dress for the beach' to any normal person. I think learning to choose appropriate clothing starts at home, when kids are learning to choose clothing for school and other life events. Parents seem to be negligent, letting their kids go places under-dressed.
• United States
13 Apr 07
I don't agree that all the responsability lies with the parents, whilke they do have some - you see, we all have our own personality and not to mention common sense. Now, as you pointed out, people simply lost the meaning of dressing for an occasion like wedding or a special even, so much so that you can see executives in polo and jeans, which according to me is not really okay but then again one must keep in mind the type of job that they are involved in... Thank you for sharing - your point is indeed appreaciated and yes, parents should take a little more responsability in teaching children some basic stuff!
@rsp9098 (755)
• India
13 Apr 07
i don't think all jobs need dresscode!each job has itz own value and meaning .....dress code can add personality to the person but thatz only temporary or just virtual!
1 person likes this
• India
13 Apr 07
I think there should be, because it shows the unity of an organization and we feel comfortable in the middle of all workers of the organization...