
@suzzs02 (631)
United States
April 14, 2007 4:50pm CST
do you do all your cleaning on one day, or one the weekends, or do you set aside a certain time during the day to get everything done...
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18 responses
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
I just have a small, one-bedroom condo and I can clean it in about two hours. That means dusting, washing floors and vacuuming the whole place. I've gotten it down to pretty well a science and try to do it every weekend.
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
u know sometimes i wish i had something smaller and easier to take care of.. looks like u have it down pat thanks for the comment...
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• Canada
14 Apr 07
Cleaning in a never ending job in our household . With so many of us there is always something for everyone to do every day and at that , we never seem to get it all done . I try to get my spring cleaning done every Christmas and the rest of the cleaning is done on a regualr basis . I find my house looks best at night as during the day the little one's have their toys out all day and so it makes things look rather untidy .
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
i dont have any little one , but i have a dog that has alot of toys tha tim always picking up, and when my youngest comes down for her visit she always leaves her room loking like a tornado went thru it . thanks for the information...
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I try to do all of my cleaning in one day, but it seems taht I usually end up breaking it up into two days. I do the downstairs one day and the upstairs the next day, unless I have the time to do both and just get it over with. Sometimes that isn't the way it works though!
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
im really glad to be getting all these different opinions im looking for a new way of doing things. have a good day and thanks for the comment.
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@smartmom (826)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I usually do most of the main cleaning one day a week, but then I do little stuff throughout the week, like vacuuming, cleaning the bathtub, doing laundry, cleaning the oven, the refrigeator etc., so this way, it is not that dirty, when the house gets the main cleaning, and this in return makes it much easier, and it takes a lot less time.
@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
thank you for your response i know i tend to get overwelmed at times with my cleaning and end up not getting as much done as i would like..
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@uiwwitch (892)
• United States
14 Apr 07
Our apartment is not that big so I can actually do my cleaning in just one day. However, sometimes, it can be really tiring. The good thing about doing your cleaning all day is that you can just relax and enjoy your newly cleaned house afterwards.
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
i know it feels great wwhen u look around you and its clean no clutter i think things like that put u in a bad mood im a bad with mail.. to leave it laying around...thaks for the comment
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@ladyljs (1303)
• United States
14 Apr 07
i try to do a little every day. I have twin 9 year olds, and if I didn't keep up the housework everyday...I would never catch up! I usually do at least one load of wash a day...sometime 2, and there are always loads of drinking glasses to wash! Then there is the floor. Since it is spring and the kids are outside alot, they drag in all kinds of things! then there is the dog...who we try to keep relatively clean. I vacuum once and sometimes twice a day! seems like it is never done!
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
i know what u mean my laundry is never ending. thanks for your comment
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• United States
14 Apr 07
Right now, I don't live with anyone and no one visits, so I just keep it straightened up mostly. When certain things get to certain points, I will do some other cleaning. I do certain things as part of a "habit" like making my bed and washing all the dishes. I try to keep the counters reasonably wiped down because I don't want to attract aunts. I will keep papers, etc, piled in a couple of areas rather than spread out. I also take out the trash and throw things away when necessary. When the mood strikes, I may do a deep house cleaning and wash floors, the bathroom, etc.
• United States
15 Apr 07
I actually have file boxes and they're pretty full. I just pile the paper on top of them, ha ha. Once in a while, I try to go through everything and throw some stuff out, but it's a big job.
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
im getting ready to make some big changes on my habits so i'll keep that in mind thanks again
@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
that is similar to how i clean, only im not good with the paper piles i guess i need to get me some files. lol
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@k1tten (2318)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I try to do a little every day. If I don't do that then nothing gets done until one day I'm finally fed up with the mess and clean.
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
thanks for the ocmment i think you have to do allittle something every day...
@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
15 Apr 07
cleaning up - cleaning takes a lot of time each day!
I try to do a bit each day and then catch up on the rest on weekends when my husband is home to help look after our son. We don´t have a proper house yet, so we end up doing everything by hand. I wash our clothes, blankets, etc. by hand and it takes a long time, so I usually fall behind since we don´t have much water right now.
@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
17 Apr 07
your comment makes me realize just how good i have it i should not be complaing, i hope things get better for you... and thnak you for your post very helpful
@kylanie (1205)
• United States
14 Apr 07
i have a 2 bedroom apartment and it takes me a couple of days to get it clean like I want it but I can pic up and straighten up the house during the week but as far as cleaning out closets it takes me a while to do that and to get caught up on laundry.
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
im with you on that my closets take forever... thanks for the comment
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
I hate cleaning with a pashion so to make things easier for myself, i find it better if i do a different task each day! My Mum knows how much ihate cleaning & with a little one around, i cant really spend all day doing things. Usually when my daughter is having her 1st bottle or breakfast, i'll do the dishes (after my partner has left for work), then i pick something else to do a little later in the day, when my daughter is napping - whether it be sweeping, doing the toilet &/or bathroom, washing clothes etc - that way i don't spend all day cleaning, yet things still get done around the place! The only thing i have to do when my daughter is awake is the vacuuming but she always goes off to do something else when i do that!
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
these comments are great, thanks for sharing your ways, i know i can use some o f them in my daily routine.. you have helped me out thank you..
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
14 Apr 07
When I have heavy duty cleaning to do I usually do a little bit every day because I hav some health problems and I'm just not able to stay up on my feet for long periods of time. My husband and my children help me too and that makes a big difference.
@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
its good that you have got help and doing it that way does help make it easier to keep clean thanks for the comment
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@barlow662 (279)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I clean up as soon as it gets messy. As far as dusting, cleaning the glass and stuff like that...I do it on Saturday mornings.
@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
another good comment to the many others i have reiceved thanks..
• Germany
15 Apr 07
...i don´t have a cleaning day ´coz it would be too exhausting and most probably won´t get anything done when i would have to decide which one i should do first. i would already get tired thinking of what i have to clean the whole day. and so instead, a little cleaning a day like vacuum cleaning floors and washing clothes on monday, toilet and bath on tuesdays, dusting on wednesdays, restday thursdays, vacuum cleaning and wash clothes again fridays, saturdays and sundays no cleaning except the kitchen which i am usually cleaning after cooking. have put our store room in order twice in six years -sorted things out properly and put them on labeled boxes - took me about four hours. for the toys of my two daughters have provided them boxes for every group or type of toys and theyr supposed to collect them on the evenings ´coz when they dont i will have to collect them and they wouldnt see the toys i collected again...this way i have a little less to do and both girls learns responsibility...
@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
17 Apr 07
i like your post alot it is very helpful to me thank you
@Bizziebod (3497)
15 Apr 07
Oh I hate cleaning, I try and do some each day to keep it down, then usually one day over the weekend I'll have a blitz on cleaning. It doesn't get too dirty thankfully as there is only myself and my daughter who lives in my home.
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
its a great help to see how everyone else does it and like u i hate to clean but its something that has to be done... thnaks for the helpful comment
@kkerix (403)
• United States
15 Apr 07
i clean smart way, put up when done with anything you have out. that takes care of a lot of cleaning, clean bathroom when showering 1 or 2 times a week. clean kitchen every day, living room when need, never have two clean more than 45 min a day, house is spotless. oahu lopaka.
@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
hey that is some good advice. thanks
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
15 Apr 07
Clean what?
@yanstill (1490)
• China
15 Apr 07
i didnt do all the cleaning every day.i will wash at weekend.sometimes when i am not happy that day,i will do all the cleaning,that makes me feel better and relieved---i finally finished my cleaning work that was supposed to do on weekends,i can do other things i love to do when i thought about that,i am happy again. i know it is not a good habbit to do this,but i just cant change it,i am lazy.:)
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@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
15 Apr 07
im sure there is ots of other people out there like that,including me, im very lazy when it comes to house work hence the post, im going to try and do better just have'nt worked out the best route for me yet. thank you for the comment..