What time do you awake in the morning, and how long do you take to get ready???

United States
April 15, 2007 10:10pm CST
I wake-up a little to early, I'm a little slow getting ready in the morning so I need the extra time! ... What's ya story???
9 responses
@cheribam (448)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I wake up at 5:30 in the morning, eat breakfast, take a shower, get ready for work consuming one and a half hour 'cuz it takes 30 minutes to dry my 2feet long hair... Good thing, my Dad is always there to cook breakfast, and drives my sister to school and me on my way to work...
• United States
16 Apr 07
Sounds like you have a game plan that works 4/U, that's great. Ty 4/answer!
@cheribam (448)
• United States
16 Apr 07
it's some kinda routine thingie, and I'm used to it, sometimes I get bored of my morning routine.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 07
Well, change is good too, so whatever works for ya. That's the great thing about life, we all have options.
@massageeh (965)
• Taiwan
16 Apr 07
It takes me quite fast to get ready. I usually think about what I'll wear the night before, and get everything set up, so I can sleep in a little later. Once, I'm awake I'll lie in bed for about 5 to 10 minutes and think about what I'm going to do for the day. Then It'll take me about 10 minutes to get everything ready and out the door I go.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 07
That's a great start to any morning, you appear to be on the ball. Ty 4/answer!
• Taiwan
18 Apr 07
Thanks for the best response. keep up the good work.
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I get up in the morning at 6:30,and I am all ready in 20 minutes. It does not take me long to get ready. I have my cup of coffee and I am on the way to work.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Apr 07
Always the Mighty Cup of Jo ....LOL:-) Thanks 4/answer!
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
16 Apr 07
I usually wake up at 6:30am,i must go to office before 7:30 and before it i have to sent my kid to school.So i am always in hurry in the morning. In the winter,cuz the sun rises later.And it is always dark at 6:30am.I have difficult to wake up by myself,so i use an alarm. In the summer,i can wake up a littler early and take my time to get up and eat breakfast.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 07
Time for breakfast is always a good idea. Ty 4/answer!
@sallyxu126 (1184)
• China
16 Apr 07
I get up at about 7 in the morning, and I will spent about 15 min to get ready. I think I am quick.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 07
Only 15 minutes, you are quick ....lol:-) Ty 4/answer
@cheching (53)
• Philippines
18 Apr 07
Like you, i'm also slow in getting ready in the morning. i wake up at around 5:00. drink coffee then start preparing for the day. i brush my teeth, shower, and dress up. the routine. i'm up and ready by 6:30 and start my way to the university.
• United States
18 Apr 07
"The University" .... Keep up the good work, and make sure you arrive on time:-) Ty 4/answer!
• United States
16 Apr 07
I usually set my alarm at 6:30 in the morning, but here's the trick. My wife and I use my cell phone as our alarm clock, and the phone has three different alarms. I set the initial one at 6:30 AM, but then I set a second alarm for 7 AM. We usually don't get out of bed until the second one hits... but we usually use the first one to begin the process of waking up. We have to leave the hosue at about 7:45, so it's good to be out of bed by 7. I am usually out of bed before the 7 AM alarm, but my wife uses most of her time... By 7, we are already up and moving.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Apr 07
Sounds like a full proof plan:-) ..... I'm like you, up before time! Ty 4/answer
@34momma (13882)
• United States
20 Apr 07
i am a morning person. i get up about 6, and it takes me about 15 minutes to ready. I then have to get my boys up, do my little girls hair if she is up. she is not a morning person. i am good until about 3 pm then i am ready for bed
• Australia
16 Apr 07
i can't wake up early,coz i've got insomia problem. I wake up around 8, and need a long time for getting ready, take a shower, do a girl's thing (make up, hair, clothes) Need to be beautiful for th whole day.
• United States
16 Apr 07
Sounds like you have your work cut out for ya. Ty 4/answer!