What to do in a rainy day?

April 15, 2007 11:09pm CST
We have great sunshine today. The sky is blue without much cloud and the tempreture has reached up to 30 degree and not a little bit of wind stirs. Many people like such weather, but not I. I like rainy days wherein I can stay at home listening to countrymusic. I really enjoy the atmostphere and the melodies at that moment.
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3 responses
16 Apr 07
in raniy days no on ecan stop us in doing our time pass sooooo listing to musicccc n chatting with frnds ..........I really enjoy the atmostphere and the melodies at that moment.
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@sarapooht (271)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
Hello Zheng! During rainy days its fun to be outside and play or take a bath in the rain with it's cool temperature. I'm like a kid sometimes or even everytime it is because I really like playing. In my childhood days I haven't experience playing very much because I'm really shy to be with other people, I often spend playing time alone, playing with my toys, it is really boring.
• China
16 Apr 07
Sarapooht, I had a similar childhood as you had. It's not because I was too shy to play with other, but it's because of the strict family rules that stopped me from going out with other kids. Now I'm a parent, I always encourage my child to go out and play with friends. I also share the same feeling as yours. I like to walk slowly in the drizzle and listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
Reading a book and drinking coffee would be the best. The sound of the rain outside the house is just so relaxing. The cool weather is just amazing and the feeling of having to stay warm inside the house is wonderful. It's just something that I really miss doing since summer in the country has just begun. huhuhu