Strange Looking

@webeishere (36313)
United States
April 16, 2007 12:42pm CST
I take my camera almost everywhere I go. I went for a walk through Springbrook Nature Center Sunday afternoon. I took many photos of the animals etc. Now as I walked the trails I swerved off into the dense brush looking for things out of the ordinary. Now this photo is one I found. I've seen strange growing tress but one bent like this was too good to pass up. It wasn't broken or snapped. It actually is growing this way. We had a tornado in this are 2 years ago and I feel that may be the cause for the way this tree is bent & growing sideways. Anyhow just wanted to share this strange growing tree and the photo is all. Whenever you get a chance take a nature walk you never know what you'll see. Try and have a camera also. It's great to get shots of things also. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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17 responses
@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
16 Apr 07
Really you find a different tree.Nice hobby you have.I love photos except those they have my face on lol:Unfortunately I don't take a lot of photo,just some for my son .from the other way I take a lot of video.....ofcourse my son again.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
16 Apr 07
What a neat tree. I know I am one who takes a million pictures and have boxes and boxes of photos to prove it. I'm so excited about my new digital camera I got a few weeks ago but haven't been able to get out and really enjoy it yet. Either not feeling well or nasty weather - just wait though my day will come...
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
17 Apr 07
It's amazing what one can see with these freaks of nature. I used to travel in the outback a lot, & due to the extreme climatic conditions there, I would occasionally come accross quite unusual formations of trees or bushes. It must be pleasant for you to live near a nature reserve. There is a small reserve almost within walking distance from my house. The only animal I would be likely to see there are koalas.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Same Tree - Different angle
Attached is another view of the same tree. Elsewhere in here Ill post another tree that just leans way out over a trail. Thanks for the response also.
• Canada
17 Apr 07
Tree Growing Out Of The Rock - This is a tree we caught sight of when we hiked up the mountain right by Shannon Falls.

It appears to actually be growing right out of the rock. The bit at the very bottom is part of the root ball.
I find it amazing in what position trees can take to grow and thrive. My partner and myself take our camera with us no matter where we go, because you can guarantee that the first time we don't, we'll miss and awesome photo opportunity. We visited a place called Shannon Falls last summer and decided to hike up the mountain at the side of it. As we came back down, we caught sight of a tree that appeared to be growing out of the rock itself, although we know this is impossible LOL. We couldn't resist taking a photo of it because it's just so unusual.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Loved the photo by the way. Up in Duluth on the North Shore they're many trees sprouting from the rock sides also like this one. Thanks for sharing it and for the response also. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
17 Apr 07
Hi Grandpa! Well, you always come up with topics of great variety including nature and life. This discussion endorse the stamp that you have a great perception and a great aesthetic sense too. So nice picture too. Good to learn that you take the camera while outing and whatever you feel good just capture. I would like to add here that I have also seen a date tree in a nearby town. It was an olden tree cut down by the farmer and used as a roof supporting beam for his cottage. Well, after a rain and some moisture, it started grown up at the roof too. It was very hard to believe for that the tree is grown at the roof without an earth contact at all. Thanks for your discussion too.
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@BarBaraPrz (45813)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
17 Apr 07
Now, that I'd like to see! Like something out of a fairytale.
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@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
17 Apr 07
Well, I really mean it! But you are right hmmm a tale! Thanks for comments!
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• Singapore
16 Apr 07
Thanks for sharing, Grandpa Bob. I looked at that photo and it sure looks interesting... Looks... sad?
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@weemam (13372)
17 Apr 07
I think it looks lost as if it didn't belong , I am like you I love to take pictures ,Isn't nature just so fascinating and pictures are such good reminders I found your discussion because I posted a picture of nature too , Happy snapping xx
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
That tree is strange alright. I live in the city so I don't often see trees unless they are planted on the sidewalk. Thanks for sharing the picture with us.
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@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
18 Apr 07
This is interesting, thanks for sharing this pic. The tree looks so poor and unhealthy. When leaf will grow I think the tree will feel better:). I like to take pictures of nature whenever I get a chance.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
17 Apr 07
I love it. It looks like the woods behind my house. I think you may be right about the tornado causing this. Wind is the main cause of leaning tree like this. I tried to comment on the photo. It said we are not friends. I know we were and unless you got mad at me we should still be. I requested anyway. I enjoy your posts and want to be able to respond to them from time to time.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
17 Apr 07
Thank you. I commented on it now.
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• Canada
17 Apr 07
i see trees like this all the time around here. i think it has to do with the major ice storm years back. it broke and bend a lot of trees. now a lot of stres are growing in weird ways and sideways.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
Hello grandpa, I kept staring at the photo and wondering if another tornado will completely uproot this tree. It look so unhealthy and forlorn. But then, there were so many strange looking things that we might have overlook what with the busy lives we have. Thanks for sharing this photo, grandpa. PS: Grandpa, I'm sorry I wasn't able to respond to your threads as quickly as possible. My time here had been lessened and a lot of new discussions from friends kept piling up. I hope you understand.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Lean On Me! - Great song and a great title for this picture
Dont worry about timely responses. Im all right with it. LOL.Attached is another photo of a tree that just leans out over a path. This one is very healthy too. just looks wierd. But a greAt photo none the less. Thanks for the response also. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
• United States
17 Apr 07
Hey there Grandpa Bob. Like you, I take my digital camera with me where ever I go. My favorite past time is taking photos while I drive. I know, I know, it's not the safest thing in the world to do, but it's so much fun! I went out to one of the forest preserves here in Northern Illinois, and wouldn't you know, I left my camera, but the scenery was just breathtaking. The photo of the tree is really very interesting. I can't wait until the weather is better so I can get out there and take some different photos. Thanks for sharing!
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Looks like it has the weight of the world on it's little shoulders, doesn't it? Thanks for sharing.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
17 Apr 07
yes.. great picture.. just goes to show.. the elements may bend something, but life makes it keeps growing anyway.. sometimes in very unique ways.. I love to walk in nature.. always great things to see! :))
• United States
17 Apr 07
Very neat! I love some of the interesting things nature gives us. I agree having a camera with you as you walk can be a real blessing as you find things that are simply amazing to look at.
@blackbriar (9076)
• United States
24 Apr 07
We have several trees growing in the woods surrounding us that are bent over into an upside U shape. Often wondered about that till I spotted an old tree that had fallen several years ago onto a younger tree whose truck was still flexible. I figured that's what had happened to the other trees as well and the trees that fell on them had just rotted to the point that they crumbled, resulting in the tree staying bent over. This past weekend, I found a huge branch that had fallen off one of the 100+yr. old trees over the winter onto a 20' tall sapling and it was bent over. I removed the branch and the tree sprang back upright. Had I not removed it, the tree would of continued growing and stayed permanently bent over. We have some really wild-looking trees growing in the woods. lol