Do you care what happens after you die?

Do you care what happens after you die? - A comic picture of spirit floating above a dead body examined by a doctor.
May 13, 2007 11:40am CST
I will put the disclaimer way up front (HERE) so that jealous meanies will have no excuse to report this as a provocative religious discussion (like what happened the other time). This is not a religious discussion and I do not intend to discuss afterlife, rebirth, heaven, hell or purgatory. Just simple bread and butter, apple and orange, alright? :P So, do you care what happens after you die? I am talking about your name, assets, and perhaps, family and friends. Name - this would be your reputation and how you are remembered after your death. Let's bring up some notorious examples - Hilter? Pol Pot? Saddam Hussein? Their deeds may not be regarded favorably after their deaths, yet where are they now? Well, they are dead! For all the good lives they enjoyed, all they got was a mere bad name. What if there is no spiritual retribution? Why struggle so hard to keep a good name and conscience when being wicked, unethical and unscrupulous might instead grant you a life of luxury in this life that might very well be your one and only? Assets - this would be the vainglory that bloats up your head. I don't deny to be different - who don't want more money than you will ever need? Who don't want to buy everything and anything you fancy? Who don't want to shape the world to your liking by sheer weight of your resources? Yet what good is all this after you are dead? Your consciousness is erased completely when you breathe your last. Is there a way to still enjoy this material wealth? I seriously doubt. Family, friends - so now you are all happily living together, just like in a fairy tale. But what happens after you wave them bye bye as you choke on your spittle? Well, it is goodbye. They cry, they powder their faces, they turn up for your funeral. I won't say they will forget you right away. But give it time. Life is for the living, not the dead. Memory stays but it fades - sooner than you realize, you are forgotten. Why would you want them to remember you anyway - more self-important ego on your part? So, do you care what happens after you are dead? Why bother to leave a good name or reputation? Why fuss over writing your will deciding whether your pink toothbrush go to your second daughter or third? Why worry if you are remembered at all after your passing? Do share your thoughts. ;-)
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41 responses
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
13 May 07
No, I don't care what happens after I die. I only care about the people I will left behind especially my girls. I make sure to leave some financial security for them so they can move on with their life. I don't have many assets that required a lawyer anyway. It doesn't matter if I'm living a life that is not of my choice for as long I see my girls are taken care of. That's my ulterior motive. I only hope my girls will always remember me.
@AmbiePam (96381)
• United States
13 May 07
Hon, if I will remember you, I KNOW they will. : )
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
13 May 07
Awww, ambie, how sweet of you to say that. I'm afraid I have some friends who will not remember this old cranky bunny anymore, LOL!
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• Singapore
14 May 07
Mother's love.. noble as always. And yea bunny, I will probably forget you in 2 min. You believe? :P
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
13 May 07
Nope, as long as my life insurance goes thru and my hubby and kids all have what they need that's the only thing I care about. The rest I could care less about. They can use my toothbrush to clean the toilets for all I care ;) I would just want them to be able to move on and be happy!
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• Singapore
14 May 07
So it boils down to family...
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
20 May 07
Good morning Lordwarwizard, Actually, I do care. Which is why I've agreed to be an organ donor. And, why I live my life other than hedonistically. We're born, we live, we die. What comes after that is still a mystery. But, while we're here we actually own very little. One of the few things that we can call our own is our reputation. So, I live my life in such a way that I can be proud of who I am. And, that my ancestors and descendents will be proud of what I contributed to the family lineage. As for material wealth: we would like to leave a little something to our family members, as kind of a 'thank you' for their participation and contributions to our life. If I were the wealthiest woman on the planet, which I'm not, I still wouldn't bequeath everything to our heirs. That would deny them the 'gift' of creating their own legacy, by their own effort and deeds. But, a little something to help them along is appropriate. Now, to your big question: Why work so hard to maintain a good name, instead of selling out to hedonism? Because, I have a conscience, and because I care about the world around me. The rewards of self-indulgence are only a single layer deep. Altruism and honor, not only feel better, but offer far, far greater inner rewards.
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• Singapore
20 May 07
A well thought-out view, my lady. Thanks for sharing.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
OH Lord you are so wrong about family members forgetting. I thik of my mom and my brothers everyday. I miss them terribly. (no you didn't bring back the memories) They are always there. When I die, there probably wont be a lot of people who miss me but I know my sons will. So I would worry about them. As far as assets I have no assets. So really no point in leaving a will. Except to tell them to bury me with my princess shoes on lol.
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• Singapore
20 May 07
You wouldn't want them to apply lipstick to your lips as well?
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
Maybe but it would have to be pink
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@mummymo (23706)
13 May 07
Okay Wizzy you are making me thin hard again and that hurts my head! lol Your question comes into different categories so I will try answering one a time! Name ; I do not care about my name as such after I die but as I wouldn't want to hurt anyone in this life I wouldn't like to think that I was remembered in a 'bad'way! Assets ; I don't have much but I would like to think that before I die I will be able to ensure that I leave something behind of material value so that my kids do not have to struggle as much as I have - and that I have taught them well enough that they will use anything I can leave to them wisely and try to help others! Family and Friends ; I would not like any of my family or my friends to lie aroung grief stricken after i die - I would like to think that they move on and live their lives to the fullest - and that they would remember me with a smile on their face and a happy memory in their heart! I would hope that my kids felt that their mother had loved them and that they had a good stable beginning in life and that they had been given enough love and confidence to lead a life where they would not hurt themselves or others! Why would I want t be remembered - vanity I suppose but if my children and friends were going to remember me I would rather it was a nice warm feeling than a hurt that would strangle their hearts and affect their ability to form good relationships with others!!! Ok that sounds really soppy but I don't care - it is your fault anyway - you asked the question! lol xxx
4 people like this
• Singapore
14 May 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Well, it is a neat response.:P
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@mummymo (23706)
14 May 07
Why thank you kind sir! And a medal too - tis mt lucky day! xxxx
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@edgar1868 (204)
• Philippines
20 May 07
Once you're through with this wonderful life, it will be billion of infinity of nothingness. Try closing your eyes and try not to hear, feel or think of anything. And imagine feeling that way forever. Whew! I wish we can live forever.
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• Singapore
20 May 07
Like sleeping forever and not waking up.
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@magnel (2263)
• India
14 May 07
I believe that apart from those notorious people, there are many who think that the money, asset, good name could be of some use to their loved ones in some way or the other. For people like me who have families to care about, just think that there is no problem and have sufficient amount of everything required even after we die...
2 people like this
• Singapore
14 May 07
Much of a family person, you...
@cuterose (1698)
• India
13 May 07
yes. but its not about me that i would care, its about the people around me. i always wonder what they would de without me in this world!
@cuterose (1698)
• India
21 May 07
• Singapore
14 May 07
Wow, what a big heart! :P
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@AmbiePam (96381)
• United States
13 May 07
Great question! But if I answered it I think my reply would be too long to read. Thanks again for forcing me to think. LOL
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• Singapore
14 May 07
It's alright for not putting your response here. As long as you do think it through. :P
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• United States
13 May 07
i think i will be reunited with my family that has passed on, and i will then after that will reunite with my future fammily, and we all will be togeather up in heaven forever.
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• Singapore
14 May 07
Wow, so it is some big happy family then! :P
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
14 May 07
I do not care about myself after I die. I do care for my dependents after I die. I do not want them to go into a panic attack the moment I am gone. This does not mean I am providing for them a lifetime. I just have to make sure they are self-sufficient and can get on with life. If they are useful, they will be able to make a living out for themselves. If they are good for nothing, no matter how much inheritance they get, they will be gone in no time. This is something I need to do well, matching the inheritance to the correct dependent. :P
2 people like this
• Singapore
14 May 07
You sure sound like some grand patriarch with many generations of descendants to take care of!
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
15 May 07
If I am one, I would not bother. Let them fight for themselves and get famous over it. hehehee!
@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
13 May 07
I will respond to you as a friend. You see I strongly believe in what the Bible says "that what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul. We can all see that your achievement and the big names does not matter, but where you're going to spend your eternity matters a lot. I don't care what happens after I die as far as I will be with God. Sometimes the reason why people want to leave good reputation is to set an example and be an inspiration to the comming generations. Thanks and have a nice day.
• Singapore
14 May 07
Right.. if you are a Christian, then yes..
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
14 May 07
Since my husband and I have 4 is important to us that we have a will dividing the assets that we will leave to them is done as we wish...not the way someone else the US, if you have no will, then the state takes control and they decide how your children get their portion of your remaining assets...I would rather decide that for ourselves.... We have also set up our burial plots and have the necessary funds set aside so that our children will not have to worry about "final expenses"....I believe that it is the responsibility of mine and my husband to ensure that our passing will be as panless as possible for our children and we also do not want any fighting over who gets what(I have seen way too much of this in other families) we have done the deciding...
• Singapore
14 May 07
Very responsible parent...
• Indonesia
14 May 07
Live in this world is temporary, everybody know that.But how we gonna spend our time in this world that's the important thing.Being born is the fate that we must deserve because we all are the choosen one among a thousand of chance.What we do in this world is an investment for our future life coz i believe there is a life after we die.Being left by our most important person is just one of the fate that we must deserve so we must let it go.But the person that had left is gonna life in our memmory forever.
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• Singapore
14 May 07
There is a lot of work to be done in preparation then, if that is what you believe.
• Janesville, Wisconsin
24 May 07
I am hoping that after I die.. That I am remembered for making a positive difference in the world. I hope that someone carries on the Heinzist Tradition, and I hope that all my belongings go to people who really want, love, care and want to use them. The energy of all the materials will still be there.. but in after life just think it and manifest it, so people can still be surrounded by anything they can dream or think up. I would like to be remembered just to make a good story I guess my life is one of those oddball unbelieveable ones. So I guess I hope that after I pass I turn into a good tall tale ;) . My name will be mixed in both good and bad reputation... and I do not care where my toothbrush goes, I hope they throw that away! lol... I am not worried about being remembered, as I sort of am not that easy to forget for those who have met and got to know me. But I hope if they want to share stories about me they do not blow them up into a larger event than it really wise, I hope it's an honest tall tale lol. I am not to worried, when it comes time to pass and go home. I welcome it.. What is left here I can always visit here in spirit, and even continue picking on my relatives and loved ones :D - DNatureofDTrain
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• Janesville, Wisconsin
26 May 07
.. Yep.. Ego... When I die... Eeeeeee!! my Haunted relatives, loved ones, and friends will go! Make it stop stop playing Crazy Train! muwhahahaha lol... Maybe I'll invite Ozzy to appear with me. :) or, I'll make him E going! help! oO{Imagines Ozzy, telling about .... "that :;radio edits::.. Spirit is ::radio edits::.. after me again! I was just singing Crazy Train and it.. it started ::radio edits:: dancing in front of me!) - DNatureofDTrain
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• Singapore
25 May 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
Ego, ego, I see a big ego in you.:P
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 May 07
All that care about after I pass away is that friends family and associates CELEBRATE my life not grieve my passing. Nothing else matters as I will be with my Highher Power/Craetor whomever he/she may be. Thanks for a provacative discussion. My mind isn't all here so short but to the point response from me is all you get. Hahahaha! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
14 May 07
And I DIDN'T get a nedal? Hmmmm? Hahahaha. Just kidding. Thanks for the kind words also. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
1 person likes this
• Singapore
14 May 07
Almost... you just needed a few paragraphs more lol. :P
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
14 May 07
I've really never actually thought about it. As long as my son is ok, is settled, is happy with his life then I think I would be ok to go when it is my time. I'm hoping that I would have had a happy life, fulfilling, rewarding and if people remember me then fine, if not, then thats ok too! As long as my family are ok when I do die.
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• Singapore
14 May 07
You are a real sweet mommy. Can tell from your username. :P
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
14 May 07
Aww thanks Wizard :P you do have a soft side to you LOL
@SKLC_PT (1234)
18 May 07
I've seen to neat things, one they use your ashes and mis it with environmentally friendly cement and use it to create new reefs under the sea, you turn into a new life for other sea creatures, and I saw another that was that they use your ashes to make a synthetic diamond with it. Well the second one is neat, but real costly, I really LOVE the first one of creating life after you are gone. Don't think it will be possible here, no cremations here!
• Singapore
18 May 07
I read of the second but... that's not neat. :P It's like being trapped in a prison when your soul is supposed to be set free. :P As for the first, it is you are condemned to permanent immovable guardian status for eternity.
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• Singapore
18 May 07
Well for me, I still won't say I prefer either option. :P
@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
14 May 07
If when i die i will still be concious enough to care or think about the life i have left behind when i die, yes, i guess i will care especially about my daughter.I guess i will very much be worried about her, especially when i get to die now, when shes only a month old. I know its here life to live but i just want to be able to make sure that she lives a good life what parents doesnt want the same for their children? as for the reputation, the good name, im not very much of a spotlight person Most of the time, i like to keep to myself, if i do something good, i don't make a fuss on making it known to others, most especially if i do something bad... haha.. But to be honest, there is this little part of me that wants to be remembered (in a good way) when i die, i guess we all have that unconcious longing to be known at some point or another. I know when i die that after some time people wont even think of me or know me or remember me anymore but i don't know, i guess maybe its just a way for me to at least feel or know that i did belong, that at least i made a mark on someone else's life. I really can't explain it, its like something innate to me. this is a nice question though.. really nice i couldnt figure out how to answer it... _
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@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
15 May 07
haha.. :p
• Singapore
14 May 07
This is a nice response.. really nice, but I couldn't figure out how to comment on it... :P
• India
17 May 07
You are right.. but curosity kills man!!! I do think and shiver... at times!! people cry only for three days and life moves on!!! Once your heart beat is stop its over you are perfectly right!!!
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• Singapore
17 May 07
Try Zen. :P
• Singapore
18 May 07
A school of Mahayana Buddhism that asserts that enlightenment can be attained through meditation, self-contemplation, and the use of topographic maps from Map Express. A Japanese sect of Mahayana Buddhism that aims at enlightenment by direct intuition through meditation. ...
• India
17 May 07
What zen means?