Do You Remember Your Very First Day At School?

@gandatwo (602)
February 27, 2008 1:20pm CST
First day school is always a big deal,for me it was not so. In my day the Goverment supplied all Primary schools with free milk.My new class room faced the front entrance of the school where these milk crates were stacked,ready to be dispersed to the children at play lunch.There were large windows in the building all across one side,almost ceiling to floor type.Little me,once entering the class,took the opportunity when teacher became preoccupied and made a beline toward the windows with escape in mind.I almost succeeded if it wasen't for that darn milkman makeing his deliveries.Two great arms took hold of tiny escapee,then pushed her straight back through the window, into the awaiting arms of a not so bemused teacher! How was your first day?
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20 responses
• Canada
28 Feb 08
Oh yes, I definately remember my first day at school. I remember when they first rang that hand bell. We all had to line up in single file and then go into the class room. There was this girl Donna, who was the last in line. When she entered the building she was told that she had to leave, that she was too young. She immediately left the building in tears. She had lived across the playing field in our village. I watched her crying all the way to her house. It turned out that she was 6 years old at the time. However, she was mentally challenged, that was back in 1966, (not much info) back then. She never did attend school. My second memory of that same day, is sitting at my desk, looking up at my teacher (remember I am 6 years old), my head was cupped in my hands, I could still see myself sitting there, watching her, thinking "I wish I were her husband I would wake up with her every morning!" That was my first day of school.
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
29 Feb 08
A true romantic janicebrown,do hope it has stayed with you.
@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
2 Mar 08
Great stuff!!
• Canada
29 Feb 08
I've moved back to my hometown six years ago. Donna still lives here. She is still the 6 year old girl I remember 40 years ago. I always go over and give her a hug and acknowledge her. I've introduced her to my granddaughter. My granddaughter always acknowledges her also. I am also teaching my granddaughter the differences in love. You know about homophobia. I had to go through that with my son when he was about 9 - 10 years old. You know the best way to hurt someone is callin them those names like _ag, L-sbo stuff like that. I sat my son down and had a talk with him and told him that he is also hurting me, his mother by calling people these kinds of names. I was lucky that he had quit calling those names immediately. Unfortunately it had happened to my second oldest brother, when I came out at 18 years of age. He would make jokes and laugh. He finally came up to me one night and apologized and said that he did not know how to handle the news. Today we are friends and he is quite vigilant over me.
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@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Oh that is very funny! I don't remember my very first day, but that first week was quite memorable. One day I was walking down the aisle between desks and tripped over a desk leg. I fell facedown and hit my forehead on the corner of a desk. I was fine until I put my hand to the sore spot and then saw it covered in blood. I started bawling. The teacher literally had to drag me to the nurse's office, dripping blood all the way. I had 4 stitches put in my forehead that day. -Tink
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• Slovak Republic
27 Feb 08
Great :) How did you managed first days on secondary school or university (any other accidents) ? Did your classmates assign any nickname to you in connection with it ?
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
28 Feb 08
Any wonder you have clear memories of this day,blood sort of does that to,Hope your fine with it now.
@tinkerick (1257)
• United States
28 Feb 08
I've had many accidents throughout my life. I got my second set of stitches (on my forhead again) when I was 9. That was at home in the kitchen. In high school I broke my back, literally. During the tumbling unit in gym class I went to do a dive roll and landed wrong. Compressed and fractured a lower vertebrae. I never really had any nicknames related to my klutziness. I did have to deal with some teasing throughout grade school because I was like the only asian kid in all white schools. In Junior high I was a bit of a goof. But in high school I gained the reputation of "tough girl". I beat up My first REAL nickname came about in high school stage crew. It was tradition to nickname crew members. Mouse - used to wear a squeaky knee brace. Jo-Jo or Jo squared - never learned the story on her name. Electra - I swear she got shocked every single time she tried to plug in a tool. Tinkerick - They wanted to call me Ick - still have no idea why, but I didn't like it so I added Tinker since I was a Ms. Fix-it type. Everyone ended up calling me Tink. Now you know! -Tink
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
28 Feb 08
I don't remember much about it at all. Its been so long ago. The one thing that I do remember is that my Dad went with me and sat in the back til he saw that I was okay.
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
29 Feb 08
What a Dad!
@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
27 Feb 08
The school I went to have old wooden floors. My classroom was two doors down the hall. I remember crying and the teacher asked me what was wrong. I told her my shoes were hurting my feet...But the truth was I missed my mom..I didn't want the other kids to know the real reason. I was afraid they wood make fun of me..But out of all my teachers at this school she was the sweetest..Then I had to move to a different school in the fifth grade.....My teacher was one my mother had in school....Very sweet
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
28 Feb 08
Yep,fear starts off at an early age,so pleased you were given comfort at this very impressionable stage of your young life.
• Slovak Republic
27 Feb 08
I`m glad that I`m not alone who was crying ... I think it`s normal that children cry for mother when they are alone. The question should be: Until which age is it normal to cry for mother ? I remember that none of my classmates was crying for the same reason.
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@bobet17 (158)
• Philippines
28 Feb 08
During my college years,It was very funny because I dont have friends or a classmate who want to talk to me,they are just busy talking to their seatmates and have fun,until now Im still alone haha.Maybe because of my strict face also.
@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
29 Feb 08
A big smile is hard to beat bobet....say Sending a huge smile your way!
@pankajlot (252)
• India
28 Feb 08
i still remember my first day at school my mum took me to the school and she asked me sit in the class room but i was crying a lot as if she was sending me to jail
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
29 Feb 08
Yes indeed,first school day sure can be a truma!Do hope you got over it.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
28 Feb 08
Yes i remember taht very well. i was very scary in going to school. i was just 2.5 yr old. the school was near to my then house. But i cried a lot before going. after reaching there also I cried as i did not wanted my mom to go beyond my view.
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
28 Feb 08
As do so many other children,don't think we truly get over Mum leaving
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
28 Feb 08
Everytime when first day of classes Im always quiet and never smiles once i get to know them they always say im so loud and laugh a lot
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@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
27 Feb 08
I don't remember my first day at school, but I remember certain things that happened my first year. One was that a teacher was teaching me how to read and I thought she was crazy (my mom had already taught me). I then read for her. She was surprised! I was very quiet and shy at school. For whatever reason, some girl came up to me cornering me with my back into a bookcase and a pair of scissors pointed at my forehead. I didn't cry or anything - I was so shocked. I also remember having a pink strawberry lunch box and thermos.
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
28 Feb 08
My quite a frighting start for a little one,and I thought the milkman was scary!Pink strawberry lunch box and thermos,think I had a brown paper bag,and of course a little bottle of warm milk.
@goldwin65 (935)
• Malaysia
1 Mar 08
My first day in school still very much fresh in my mind. Yes, I do remember the day I first step into the class for the first time. My mum escorted me right up to my desk. Then the teacher asked all the parents to stasy outside. When I looked around me I saw all the unfamiliar faces. I was scared at first but I remember what my parents told me before the class. I have to sit and follow as what the teacher told us to do. During recess time we were given biscuit and milk for free. Gradually I made friends with my classmates and I am beginning to enjoy the class.
@Andrej7 (66)
• Slovak Republic
27 Feb 08
I have no special memories about first days in school (especially in primary school). I only remember that I started to cry during first lesson because of sad that I was away from my mother. I remember that we were sitting and listening to the teacher when suddenly sadness caught me. Teacher took me out of the class and calmed down. Now when I am older, it seems like silly reason for crying ...
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
28 Feb 08
Not silly at all for a little child Andrej,sounds like you were blessed with a fine teacher.
• United States
28 Feb 08
I remember my first day of school after moving to a new state in the middle of first grade. My mom got about halfway down the hallway after dropping me off at my classroom before I went running out of the room and down the hall after her! But, I guess I must have adjusted alright. After all, I'm still best friends with my friend Jamie that I met in that very class (over 17 years ago). :)
@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
28 Feb 08
Wow,now that is what I call true friendship!
• China
28 Feb 08
I seemed to be solded. OH!that's really not a good memory. Even though I am a gril ,I joined the boys to play a trick on my teacher. So I And the other boys were punished to be on duty on the first day
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
28 Feb 08
Can relate,spent most of my time in my first year in trouble,guess it was because of my failed escape attempt! And I didn't do
• China
28 Feb 08
I remember my first day at school. When i come to school, i found so many strangers, i felt so longly when my mom went home. So I went home too! Now I think of it ,it's so funny!
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
28 Feb 08
Well you achieved greater then I freshair,would have liked to have you as my accomplice...Lol
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
28 Feb 08
I remember my first day of school. I thought I was big. My mom took me to school and dropped me off. I remember there was this other little girl, she was cying. I thought to myself she is crying like a little baby. I didn't cry I was big.
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@superbren (856)
28 Feb 08
Thats a funny story but with the times that are in it now that poor milkman would probably be arrested for child cruelty.That's the way the world has gone.My first day at school was a bit early as i was only three years old.I cried so much to go to school with my elder sisters that my father put me in the car and asked the schoolmaster to take me.He did and i was ensconsed in my sisters seat in the classroom.She wasn't best pleased as i was sitting beside her best friend and she was moved to the back.I don't think this would happen in this day either lol.
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@youless (112466)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Feb 08
I still remember the first day I went to primary school. I remember it was on Thursday. I felt very excited on Wednesday night as I knew next day I would go to school. And it would be great I had new friends to play with and that was what I looked forward to. I never knew later the study would be a pressure.
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• Philippines
28 Feb 08
Wow! That was soooo long ago... I really can't remember how it was on my very first day in school. But I know that I had a great time. My mom used to tell me that compared with my other classmates in nursery, I was rather quiet. She said that on that very first day, most of my classmates were crying when the teacher was about to close the classroom's door. She said, I just took my seat and told her that I will be just fine...
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@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
27 Feb 08
woow my very first day of school , i barely remeber i do remember when igot up i sorta wanted to go simply because i wasnt used to getting up that early and the bus ,i took a seat all in the way in back, i had a jurassic park book bag cause the movie came out and i thought i was so cool at the time , and i got some friends who like it too that same day haha woww..lunch i cant remember that either except we used to always get milk in the small cartons ...its all a blur i only know the title Captain Jonh C Smith Elmentry in Hampton, VA
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• United States
28 Feb 08
I remember my first day very well. My mom gave me a bath very early in the morning, then I put on a nice dress. My mom took a few pictures of me before taking me to school. She took me to my classroom and hugged me goodbye for what seemed like hours. My teacher, Mrs. Beverly Payne, showed me to a desk at the front of the room. I didn't know her name yet, so I called her Mommy instead. LOL That's about all I remember of that particular day. Everything else is sort of just blended in.