Could this be a side effect of Wellbrutrin?

United States
August 16, 2006 5:42pm CST
My husband has been taking Wellbrutrin 300mg (XL) now for a few years. He just turned 62 and has been very stressed about everything. He has moments when he thinks I'm having an affair with someone, I am disabled and have no interest in having another person in my life. I love him very much. He worries about money, retiring, can't sleep without help, can't work without a pick me up during the day. Has rum after dinner to bedtime to calm him down. Has no interest in going places with others. Wants to hibernate upstairs in our TV room with his cats and cigars and watch TV. Has a BMW motorcycle, but now only drives it to work to save on gas. No interest in riding with friends like before. Lost his appitate, eats, but only because he know he has to. Doesn't smile like before, just worries about everything. There is a history of mental illness (depression, etc.) in the family. His father had a terrible time of it. His mother kept it under control but after her death he got much worse. Going from Doctor to doctor to get meds. Paying cash for them and filling several scripts in one month. Lost interest in socialization and basically in himself. Could this be an effect from taking Wellbrutrin ovr the years or is his depression just getting worse. Today he said his troubles have nothing to do with me. He has no anger about anything I've done. What can I do to help him?
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2 responses
@rherdey (966)
• United States
17 Aug 06
Sounds like the depression has gotten much much worse and the wellbrutrin is not working. He may need to have a diffrent medication or the prescription be up some to adjust. Depression can get worse over time. But with reg visits with the doctor and medication checks a person can live a comfortable life. I have been in the health field for over 15 years and know that some medication will only work so long then the amount needs to be increased or a new medication added or replaced to help. I also have depression and I take a diffrent medication. My doctor now had just adjusted the medication to a lower dose seeing I am doing much better than a year ago..but also I have learned skills to help with the depression as I would rather not take medication. But also know that I might the rest of my life. Depression most the time is an imbalace of chemicals in the brain. Sometimes medication can take care of this where others may have to be on it all the time. Good luck and I would personally go with him to the doctors each time If I could and let the doctor know things are good or things need to be adjusted maybe. Sometime and most time people that have sever depression will not see it or admit to it. We as love ones hate to see them hurt and be this way...Take care and God bless
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• United States
26 Oct 06
Rherdey ~ that was very informative. I sure hope it helps them out.
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@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Welbutrin is an anti-depressant. Talk to his doctor and let him know what your husband is going through. He sounds more depressed to me. If he's seeing several doctors to get medications, he may be getting too much. Please seek help for him through his primary care doctor. There are other medications that may work better for him.
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