How do you look for jobs?

@olisaur (1922)
United States
December 2, 2009 4:11pm CST
I hear so much about job hunting in this "tough economy" these days. Do you have a job? Does it feel secure to you? I'm 19, in college and I haven;t been able to find a job for over 15 months now. I keep applying and calling places, but no one will hire me! I worked at a ice cream place for a couple months when I was 16, so I do have some experience...I just can't figure out why I can't get a job! I'm so frustrated and stressed out. Where do you look for jobs? Do you use sites like craigslist or monster? or do you just network through people you know?
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12 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
3 Dec 09
STOP looking, and try making a job. There are all kinds of jobs out there if you can change your attitude. Look around, and see the opportunities! The problem begins at school. Children are taught to work for someone, rather than to see an opportunity and start working for themselves. There are many opportunities in childcare,shopping for elders, elder care, cleaning homes for working moms, mowing lawns or shoveling snow, gardening, washing cars, (the list is endless) If you really want to work there are very few excuses for being unemployed!
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
3 Dec 09
hi Olisaur,do not enclose your previous experience as you have worked in a ice cream parlour.may be the jobs you have applied to has nothing to do with your previous job so they think that you are limited to that until and unless your previous job experience adds up an attribute or advantageous do not mention it. Try to place your resume in all Job search Engines so you would have an greater chance of getting short listed. hope this helps you.gud day.
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
3 Dec 09
The economy is though and as such finding jobs is very . Hopefully things would improve soon. If you are seriously looking for a job, do everything, go online, network, job fairs, everything because there a very few jobs and a lot of applicants
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
3 Dec 09
These days is really hard to find a job. Any kind of job. Depending on the person, you might be more or less lucky. I know people who have gotten their jobs just because they had friends or good contacts that would help them to get a job quickly and easily. For people like me, who is less lucky, the only thing that works is to insist. I used job hunting magazines, job hunting websites, applied to dozens of them, etc. Sometimes insisting might be slow, but works better than doing nothing
@pengyachu (296)
• China
3 Dec 09
I find my first job by industrial alliance,i'm so lucky and now i still work for the company. Good luck to you!I know you can find it ,fighting!
@azazel87 (97)
• Bulgaria
3 Dec 09
I am 22 years old and I found my job quite difficult because I study in university and here nobody take students for work because we do not have much free time. I usually use online sites for job, or ask my friends for little help. You have to search carefully and do not gave up. If you search you will find.
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
2 Dec 09
I do go onn Craigslist almost daily and have got a few interviews from it. I also signed up for monster and I read those daily. I also have got a few interviews from that. The other thing to do is sign up for employment services. You probably are not looking for a temporary job but it's better than not working. I have been out of work since April, 08. I've been called a few times, all rom the same company. They lasted 10 days to 2 weeks but at leaqst for a time, I was getting up for work every day. It felt good. I just signed up for another one yesterday and they have a few opportunities for me. But these ones will last 3 months, and they might hire me after the three months. Go in the yellow pages under employment.
• China
3 Dec 09
Hi, I'm in China, and it's really hard to find a good job now, when I graduated from college, I choose to look for a job through the internet, and it's really helpful, there is a lot of job information one the net, so I just send my resume to them, and if they think that's OK, they will call me for an interview, and it's also take a long time for me find a job, so don't give up, I'm sure you will find a good job.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
2 Dec 09
Networking through people you know might be a better option in the long-run. Employers like to see referrals; or future-employees being referred by other employees, and all that biz. I got my first REAL part-time job (not seasonal) through a referral from the inside - and I still work there! I couldn't seem to get a job anywhere else, either, because mainly employers are looking for people with a lot of experience, or some good references to back the apply-ee up. And I had neither when I was 17, looking for my first job, so I asked around - and found out that my mom's friend manages a dry cleaner - and got a job in the same chain, mentioning her name in my application. It was a pretty sweet deal! So my suggestion for you is to try all of your resources. Your parents, your parents' friends, your friends' parents, and so on - ask if their companies are hiring for entry level positions and if you could use their name as a reference to apply with. And it seems like once you've had a solid, part-time job for a year or so (and once you have ONE good review from a previous employer) - it gets easier from then on. It's ironic, but you need experience to get a job - but you need a job to GET the experience you need. It's just finding that first job that's tricky, but after that, I promise you, it gets easier! Good luck to you!
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
3 Dec 09
Your right its pretty tough looking for a very stable job this days especially if you are not qualified enough for the position you desire to have. In our country we have a lot of alternatives applying for a job & we just post our resume in some sites in the internet & we will just wait for a call. Fortunately I am working now but underpaid but I am still thankful because I am earning than doing nothing but it doesn't mean that I will just be a couch potato I am still looking for a well paying job to provide more than enough of our needs & emergency purposes.
@tony4u (47)
• Nigeria
3 Dec 09
i am here on line still looking for a good job that can pay enough to me i hope there are a lot of hidden treasure call job on line but fake ones are hindering us from locating them by god,s grace i will make it.
• United States
2 Dec 09
That stinks! I'm sorry to hear your having a hard time. Its the rescission. There are more people that there are jobs out there. People are getting laid off or fired or having there hours cut a lot right now. I've been looking for a job for a while. I was so desperate i took a job i was WAY over qualified for and where i made almost half as less as my last job. I ended up quitting because i just couldn't deal with it... i felt so bad about my self. Right now i use craigslist, monster, yahoo jobs, and i do network with people i know. I ask my friends and family member if anyone is hiring in the company they work for or if they have heard of any company's looking for applicants. Even if a place isn't hiring right now i always dress well when i show up, talk to the manager and fill out an app and give them a resume. I hope this helps! :) and good luck