Eternal Life

May 25, 2010 10:03pm CST
Jesus said, do not be trouble... You believe in God, believe also in Me. I will go to the FATHER and I will prepare mansions for you. Jesus has promised us that He will prepare places for those who obey and do His Will. He is referring Heaven as our Final destiny. On the other hand, to those who continually disobey the Gospel and lives in sins... they will all go to Hell which is the eternal torment. These things remind us of our eternal abode, we are all strangers in this earth. We have to destinies to go one day, which one would you like to be? For me, I want to be with my Lord in heaven.
3 responses
• United States
26 May 10
You are on the right track with this post. Most people do not understand that we are not of this world, it is written. We get caught up in things, like I do and have to pull myself back. It took me years to understand and there is still a lot more to learn. But I do differ with that those who continually disobey the Gospen and lives in sins they will all go to Hell. God is a forgiving God and most who sin do repent. God is also a patient God and wants all his children with Him. That is why it is taking so long for his first creation, Earth, to be destroyed. People may read this and have a different version, but that is mine. I love my Father and believe he hears me in my prayer. I praise Him first and foremost and then lay all my problems of the day on Him. I want to be renewed each morning, so yes, I do believe. I have been blessed and hope to continue to be blessed.
• Philippines
26 May 10
Thanks for your reply KarissaAngel. I don't say that those who continually lives in sin and disobey God will have no chance to be saved. Still, they have time to come to God for repentance and be saved... but If the time comes (judgment day) and still caught up and lives in sin, they will be judged to what they had done. Although God is love but He is a Just God. He hates sin and does not allow heaven to filled with sinners. That's the reason why satan and his disobedient angels were wiped out from heaven. Heaven is a place of justified people, people who obey God and lives a righteous life. Without holiness, it is impossible to please and see God and His Kingdom. Be blessed
@calixto21 (103)
• Argentina
26 May 10
Hi im a sinner and i will go to hell because i dont gide my life with a book written 3000 years ago.
• Philippines
26 May 10
You are right my friend. But most of us would like to go to heaven and expects to go to heaven. We as a christian have our own cross to carry and bear. We do face life with struggles and trials. It is really difficult, but we have to endure and stay faithful till the end because he who perseveres to the end will be saved. We just have to remember the Word of God daily so we can be reminded of the things that God likes and the things that He hates. Press on my friend to win the prize, because He who is faithful will do it 1 Thessalonians 5:24.