Indianapolis Colts Jinxed

United States
September 8, 2011 7:35am CST
Well, after a season of injuries plagued the Indianapolis Colts last fall, it seems once again that they are suffering from an injury. Only this time, it is star quarterback Peyton Manning who will sit out the game. Mannning and the Colts franchise announced yesterday that Manning will not play during the first game of the season due to a neck issue and back pain following surgery during the off season. I am concerned that the Colts may not be as good as they have been in the past few years even with the Colts bringing Kerry Collins to their team. Kerry was a good quarterback, but does he have the skills that Peyton has to win games and pull wins out that no one expects? I really don't know. Do you think that Collins can lead the Colts like Manning does? Are the Colts going to even make it to playoffs without Peyton playing? As a Colts fan, I do have faith in the other players, but sure hope that Peyton returns to the field this season!
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5 responses
@AmbiePam (90075)
• United States
10 Sep 11
I was so disappointed that Peyton is out. Three to four months with no Peyton is not good. I do not think they will make the playoffs this seasn without him, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. If they could just hang in there until Janauary Peyton could maybe push them over the top. But I doubt it happens.
• United States
22 Sep 11
It is hard to see the Colts without Peyton. I hope that he returns this season, but I don't think that he will.
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@AmbiePam (90075)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I kind of hope he doesn't. I mean say he comes back mid November. They'll be behind in the division by then by a lot of games unless a miracle happens. So it wouldn't be worth the risk to have him play like 1 and 1/2 months for nothing when he could hurt himself again. I mean Peyton is tough. So to miss this part of the season and to actually go to Europe to look into stem cell
• United States
30 Sep 11
I believe that the only way he is going to come back this year is if we get to the playoffs, which I do not see happening. IT is going to be a long season for their fans.
@cperry (151)
• United States
24 Oct 11
After watching the Colts loss to the Saints by a score of 62 to 7, I can honestly say that the Colts this year are the worst team I have ever seen in my life. How can a team be so dependent on one person. Evidently the Colts were a one man show and never a true team.
• United States
25 Oct 11
The Colts have relyed on Manning a lot,but there are many other good players on the team. Players like Reggie Wayne, Jeff Saturday, Joseph Addaii, and even Curtis Painter are excellent players and all of those players are well worth any team having. I just think that the team is so used to Peyton and the way that he plays that we just can't seem to get anywhere this year.
• United States
27 Sep 11
They are now 0-3 the STEELERS just beat them 23-20 they may not win a game all season! Get rid of collins and go with painter! he at least lead a TD drive against the STEELER D!!!!!!!!
• United States
30 Sep 11
I am inclined to agree with you. I just do not see why Collins can't seem to connect with Reggie Wayne and the others that he needs to get the ball too. Guess it proves that the quarterback makes this team!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
22 Sep 11
I love watching the Colts and, so far, I am thinking that Kerry Collins isn't going to be able to lead the Colts like Manning. It is a shame because they have been a powerhouse team for a while now. I heard that Manning was considering retirement. Have you heard that?
• United States
22 Sep 11
He signed a 5 year contract this year and said that he would play his last game as a Colt. I am assuming that he will play those years and then retire at the end of those 5 years. I think that Collins is good but that he just haven't found his groove with the team. I hope that they can come back as they have been a powerhouse for a while now.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
8 Sep 11
Just heard Peyton Manning had fusion surgery today. He will be out 2 to 3 months more! I know it will bum out Manning because he is such a competitor. I think it will affect the Colts some. I know Kerry Collins is a seasoned QB and he will be a good replacement for Manning. The Colts should be able to rally around Collins until peyton is ready to go again. Hopefully Manning will be! I also heard one doctor say it could be career threating! I hope not! That would be devasting to the Colts! Time will tell,tough!
• United States
9 Sep 11
I agree that time will tell. I just hope that Manning can return soon!