I overslept

@dya80dya (34616)
May 18, 2024 5:00am CST
Last night I slept for 11 hours. I can't believe this. Deep sleep was 2 hours. I feel rested, but sleeping so much isn't normal. And sleep is my favorite activity. When I wake up I want to sleep again. I can't wait to sleep again. I decided to give up on that therapist. He doesn't help me at all. I hope I will be able to find another therapist or stop therapy. I am not sure if I should continue therapy or not. I still didn't receive my disability money. Do you sleep too much sometimes?
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4 responses
@arunima25 (86090)
• Bangalore, India
18 May
I hope that your disability money thing can be sorted out soon. It can be frustrating. If your current therapist is not working for you, you can take a break and explore others. Yes, I have overslept on some occassions and that was when my body really needed some good rest and it actually asked for it.
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@dya80dya (34616)
19 May
Yes, I took a break. He didn't give any sign. And I haven't contacted him either. But I am not sure which therapist should I choose. There are so many and I can't know if they are good or not.
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@arunima25 (86090)
• Bangalore, India
20 May
@dya80dya You can explore. I am not sure about the monetary aspect there, whether your insurance would pay for it or not. And with a therapist, you need to try them for some time to come to know whether it's working or not. Many good therapists don't work for everyone.
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@annierose (19755)
• Philippines
18 May
It's understandable to feel surprised when our sleep patterns deviate from the norm, especially if sleep is usually your favorite activity. It's essential to listen to your body and recognize when something feels off. As for your therapy experience, it's important to find a therapist who truly understands and supports you. If you feel like your current therapist isn't helping, it might be worth exploring other options or taking a break from therapy altogether until you find the right fit. Regarding disability money, the delay must be frustrating. Hang in there, and hopefully, it will come through soon.
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@annierose (19755)
• Philippines
20 May
@dya80dya It sounds like you're navigating some challenging times, especially with the uncertainty around your therapy and the delays in your disability money. It's good that you're considering a change if your current therapist isn't meeting your needs. Finding the right therapist can take time, but it's worth it when you find someone who truly understands and supports you. Maybe you could look into therapists who offer a free initial session or consultation? That way, you can get a feel for whether they might be a good fit without making a commitment right away. Hang in there, and I hope everything resolves soon, including the delay with your disability money. Keep us posted on how things go!
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@dya80dya (34616)
19 May
It was Easter and maybe this is the reason for the delay. I am not sure. You are right. This therapist doesn't understand or support me. I am trying to find a different therapist, but I can't tell if they are good.
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@pitsipeahie (4503)
18 May
I hope you find a new therapist soon. I think it will be better than to stop altogether. I don’t usually sleep that much, but it happens sometimes.
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@dya80dya (34616)
19 May
Finding a good therapist isn't easy. I am trying to find one, but I can't know if they are good.
20 May
@dya80dya Geez... sorry to hear that everything seems too hard for you. Haaay... No one knows until you try and from there we learn. There are things like references and background checks, initial sessions— of course you know that, right? Though its not every thing but that helps, its one way to check. But if it's still too hard for you, I don't know what to say anymore. I feel what you're going through in almost every discussion you make here. If you keep such mindset, nothing might ever change for you, you'll always be stuck in hardship. I do hope you help yourself find the help you need whether with a therapist or none and I wish you peace from all your life's troubles, and strength of mind and will to persevere! God bless you. I do hope you receive your disability money too. Praying everything in your way resolves for the better!
@Beestring (13551)
• Hong Kong
18 May
When I am tired, I can sleep for long hours.
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@dya80dya (34616)
19 May
Too much sleep is not good for us. But I felt amazing after sleeping so long.