Emmanuel Adelakun
@Adee44 (13)
Joined myLot today

Users Emmanuel Adelakun Is Following

Some Witch @somewitch (31) 17 Sep
This user has no bio!
4 following
9h followed
Jade Bonilla-Gonzalez @Jadielove (12) United States 19 May 14
I’m chronically ill, vegan, cruelty free, and spiritual! I don’t get out much, my quality of life is pretty low, I've learned to be patience with myself & you!
1 follower
1 following
11h followed
Scar D. Cat @Scarred4Lyfe (475) 27 Jun 18
I do not follow the polyticks. Am Cat and do not like ticks. Possums can have them.
47 following
11h followed
Jo Ann @akalinus (42451) United States 19 Sep 15
I am a freelance writer now living in Florida. I am interested in missionaries, special needs children, writing. I like writing science and animal articles.
319 following
11h followed