@celticeagle (166672)
Boise, Idaho • Age 73
Joined myLot 16 years ago
I am a 70-ish Scorpio that enjoys a good laugh and tries to keep positive. I enjoy writing, editing, and watching old vintage movies. Keep on keepin' on.

celticeagle's Likes

celticeagle liked this  12h
I Hope I am WRONG
celticeagle liked this  12h
Can you be too grateful?
celticeagle liked this  13h
I went down.
celticeagle liked this  13h
I went back to work today
celticeagle liked this  18h
Rainy Morning
celticeagle liked this  18h
11/13/24 - Meals
celticeagle liked this  18h
My payment done yesterday