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@dadedade (88)
Romania • Age 45
Joined myLot 16 years ago
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dadedade's Comments
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
Good for you that you know hot to cook,manny peopels don`t know how to cook and get dinner aout in the town, I don`t say that going out in town for dinner isn`t ok but is very expensive and we not always find wath we want to eat so we must know how to...
18 Oct 09
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
Hi shia88,you know that is a good think to know how to cook ? Manny peopels don`t know how to cook and get special training because as like you when they will be home alone hwo gona make them to eat,if they go to eat in the town is very expensive and so they...
18 Oct 09
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
Is good for you that you know how to cook and hat if you used to cook and you like doing it you shoud help your parents and you will sure learn how to cook beter Is true that your parents do cooking better than us but we should learn from them and some day...
18 Oct 09
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
I`m right to you that you wouldnot prefere to cook because you are too lazy and that you are busy with other work but if you realy know how to cook you shold help the person that is taking care of the kitchen department, you shoult some time let the work and...
18 Oct 09
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
Hy Delkar,you realy love to cook ? wow you are the first that I hear saing that he loves cooking and he has no problem at all,but if you do realy love to cook you should clean up the hoouse becaue this thing make part of the cooking,is great to have someone to...
18 Oct 09
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
Hello Nagikka, if you know just a litle to cook is good for you because you cand make your one food to eat and don`t expect someone to cook for you eaven simple things like cakes , cookies.If you always tend to burn the frozen stuff you should get some help...
18 Oct 09
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
Hy there pappu_sivakanth,I wonder how good you make the meal if you saied that you cook only when your parents are out for vacantion,I got to ask you what if you girlfrend will some day want you to make her a romantic diner what would you say to her...... you...
17 Oct 09
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
Hello jugsjugs ! Im realy sorry for you that you hate do cookind.You probably hate cooking beacuse you have to do this thing every day and I probably as like you after cooking for a live for my family I sure hate to cook,you are lucky that your husbant knows...
17 Oct 09
Do you like sweets?
16 Oct 09
I like to eat a lot of candy how about you?
9 responses
Hy there kreator81, if I ever come to India I will sure trie the Gulab Jamun but im from Romania and there is a big problem :)) is a very big distance from Romania up to India but it never knows,maybe I will win a tiket to India,I want to come in India not...
17 Oct 09
Do you like sweets?
16 Oct 09
I like to eat a lot of candy how about you?
9 responses
Hello shia88.Well you know what is better for you and for your son,but if you say that you dont like to eat sweets maybe your son like to eat sweets and if he don`t exxagerate whit them I think that he wont have no problem with his teeths,an haf of chocholate...
17 Oct 09
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
Is verry sad that you can enimore to cook because your hubby has diabet diet,but you still have some memories of you cooking and fealing great that you had have some great dinners time.You stil have to cook something that cand be eat eaven if he has diabet...
17 Oct 09
Do you like to cook?
16 Oct 09
I love cooking especialy when I`m home alone,what about you ?
10 responses
2 people
I too love too cook not nesessarly lor myselt simply I love cooking.I too like to cook for someone but just if the person I have to cook helps me,you are very right that is really nice and I think that is a good think to konw haw to cook .Is not so hard to...
17 Oct 09
Do you like sweets?
16 Oct 09
I like to eat a lot of candy how about you?
9 responses
I want to taste the Gulab Jamun :)) , my mouth is weatering as I write you this message ,you made me lust for some candies now I have to go and get me some sweets. Like you I like any tipe of sweets especialy those that have topping and cream .My sister made...
17 Oct 09
Do you like sweets?
16 Oct 09
I like to eat a lot of candy how about you?
9 responses
WOW you eat a lot of salty things :)).I woud want to eat more salty but I cant I just can eat with salt and from this motiv I eat just sweets.I`m sorry for your hubby that he had diabetes and you had to clean away all the sweets but is better this way .You...
17 Oct 09
Do you like sweets?
16 Oct 09
I like to eat a lot of candy how about you?
9 responses
Like me you to are very careful not eat too much,because as you say eating to much sweets is very bad for our teeth and I have sensitive teeths but I use a tratament that can alow me to eat as manny as I can or as manny as I have.Like you I too love to eat...
17 Oct 09
Do you like sweets?
16 Oct 09
I like to eat a lot of candy how about you?
9 responses
I like sweets and I eat them every day as dessert or just because just like you I like to devour them,as for fruit salad I love them,I`m sory for your blood sugar,but as you say if you limit the sweets or totally adandon eating sweets you sure wil have a good...
17 Oct 09
Do you like sweets?
16 Oct 09
I like to eat a lot of candy how about you?
9 responses
I never tend to eat les sweets I always eat as manny as I have,the hard boiled fruits are realy great as you say I have tries them and you are right they last along time,when chirstmas comes I to buy differit tipe of sweets because I want to trie them all,I...
16 Oct 09
Do you like sweets?
16 Oct 09
I like to eat a lot of candy how about you?
9 responses
Hello marty3888 I never tried to eat sweets and then followed by a cup of coffee because I don`t drink coffee but if you say that you like it I will have to trie it too.I always eat sweets,in my country is a sweet named halva I love it,once I eat to manny and...
16 Oct 09
Do you like sweets?
16 Oct 09
I like to eat a lot of candy how about you?
9 responses
Hello Mohan89 I am glad that you like to eat sweeats, you are right that every one likes to eat sweets,I don`t know what is laddy but the way that you sayed that it simply melts in your mouth like ice, I think that the laddu sweets are very great an awesome...
16 Oct 09
What do you like to do the most?
14 Oct 09
I like to sleep and play games on my pc,what about you ?
4 responses
2 people
It sems that you like to do a lot of things and this thing is very good for you because you like to do more things than one or two things,you have a lot of things that you like to do,as like you I also like to go for a walk because it feels relaxing and helps...
16 Oct 09