O.B.S.E.R.V.E. Alcohol - Research shows that‚ under certain circumstances, alcohol use can be dangerous. How do you know what those circumstances are? Remembering the letters in the word “OBSERVE” will remind you how to greatly reduce your risk of having an alcohol–related problem by simply not drinking. Zero alcohol is the best choice if you are: * On certain medications or have certain illnesses (check with your doctor). Mixing medicines with booze may give you a buzz you didn’t bargain for. * Behind the wheel‚ or engaged in tasks requiring full mental or physical functioning. Drinking and driving is one of the most dangerous things anyone can do. But you already knew that. * Stressed out or tired. Drinking doesn’t relieve stress‚ it only complicates things further. And it could lead to depression. Talk to a friend instead, or do some relaxation exercises‚ or maybe go shopping. * Either the son‚ daughter or sibling of someone with alcoholism. As we mentioned earlier‚ alcohol problems are often a family affair. * Recovering from alcoholism or drug dependency. If you’ve worked hard to get yourself off alcohol or drugs‚, the last thing you want is to fall off the wagon. Stay clean. * Violating laws‚ policies or personal values. If drinking may mean legal trouble or expulsion from school‚ don’t do it. Not worth it. * Expecting‚ nursing or considering pregnancy. Remember‚ now you’re abstaining for two. If you fall into any of the above categories‚ zero alcohol is the best choice for you. By OBSERVEing the times to abstain from drinking‚ your risk of having alcohol–related problems will be significantly lessened.