Little Prince Cedie - Shoukoushi Cedie 'Little Prince Cedie' is a Japanese anime series produced by Nippon Animation in 1988 and was broadcasted on the World Masterpiece Theater, an animation staple that showcased each year an animated version of a different classical book or story. The series is based on Frances Hodgson Burnett's book, 'Little Lord Fauntleroy'.  - answers.com
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Little Prince Cedie - Shoukoushi Cedie 'Little Prince Cedie' is a Japanese anime series produced by Nippon Animation in 1988 and was broadcasted on the World Masterpiece Theater, an animation staple that showcased each year an animated version of a different classical book or story. The series is based on Frances Hodgson Burnett's book, 'Little Lord Fauntleroy'. - answers.com