Discussion Necromancy - I was just thinking (because of a post I was reading at another forum) of people who revive old threads and discussions. What do you think about reviving discussion that haven't been posted to in over a year? Here at mylot it's pretty easy, because the related discussions will bring up some really old ones. Seems to me like they would fix it so that it wouldn't bring up one that hadn't been posted to in more than say 2 weeks.....
@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio

Discussion Necromancy - I was just thinking (because of a post I was reading at another forum) of people who revive old threads and discussions. What do you think about reviving discussion that haven't been posted to in over a year? Here at mylot it's pretty easy, because the related discussions will bring up some really old ones. Seems to me like they would fix it so that it wouldn't bring up one that hadn't been posted to in more than say 2 weeks.....