USB Electric Heated Mouse Pad / Mouse Hand Warmer - For people who have cold hands when using the computer mouse, the mouse hand warmer solves the problem. Cold computer hands make it difficult to use the computer mouse and the computer keyboard. And, from time-to-time, with cold hands, a person has to stop working to allow the frigid cold to leave. When poor blood circulation causes hands to become cold there's little to do except stop working, and for most of us that's not an option.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China

USB Electric Heated Mouse Pad / Mouse Hand Warmer - For people who have cold hands when using the computer mouse, the mouse hand warmer solves the problem. Cold computer hands make it difficult to use the computer mouse and the computer keyboard. And, from time-to-time, with cold hands, a person has to stop working to allow the frigid cold to leave. When poor blood circulation causes hands to become cold there's little to do except stop working, and for most of us that's not an option.