• Philippines
dalagang bukid - This is a Philippine fish. I got an interesting explanation from yahoo answers why it was called such. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090318214605AAuJxz9 The fish Dalagang bukid got its name because of its red underside which resembles a saya or tapis of farm girls in the fields. Red is a Filipino favorite esp. in Southern tagalog areas. Even men's trousers were common to be colored red in Rizal and Laguna provinces but calling them Binatang Bukid defeats Pinoy romaticism. The fish's color and pattern tells that it is a reef fish and so does its bones that are not so rigid making them slow but manueverable. May sub-specie pa ito na flatter at hindi masyadong cylindrical ang katawan sa mga lugar ng Visayas na maaaring magsabi na taal ang mga ganitong uri sa mas-malalalim na katubigan at masisikip na coral colonies. Source(s): http://wyattbelmonte.blogspot.com/2006_05_01_archive.html http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Alibata/me…