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Wife Shopping - Shut Up I'm Still Talking Get lots of Great Posts at : Shut Up I'm Still Talking Marriage is a workshop... While the husband is at work, the wife shops. This is funny but somehow to some marriages can happen. This notion however sometimes the cause of misunderstanding between the couple. Much as the husband has given the wife to spend and buy something for herself this does not permit her to spend all the earnings just for shopping. On the other hand, some wives don't buy something for themselves. and when time comes, she will tell the husband, I have nothing for myself, all the money go to this, that, these, and those. EXCEPT FOR MYSELF. Moral Lesson: WIVES: Buy or shop something for yourself even if it is your HUSBAND'S money, however, do this in moderation and not in wastage. HUSBANDS: Well it is your fault, yes, you have to work, work and work harder if you did not marry that sexy woman you will not have problems for her self maintenance.