Jessica Smith
@mrsandersen (16)
Joined myLot 7 years ago
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Jessica Smith
@mrsandersen (16)
31 May 17
Today, I have been binge watching the show on Discovery Life called "My Strange Addiction". I'm seriously at a loss for words.
I am a very open minded, laid back individual and I respect everyone's right to live their lives the...
2 responses •
3 people
Mike Page I clean my ears 2x a day when I take a bath in the morning and evening.
31 May 17
1 person
Jessica Smith
@mrsandersen (16)
25 Feb 17
I'm not sure what the weather is being like around the country, or the world for that matter, but I do know that here in Minnesota, in February no less, our usual temps are FREEZING and there's snow every other day.
Don't get me...
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2 people
Krishna Kumar K S This brings us to an important issue about climate change and global warming. Here last year we had heavy rains after two years of drought in our state in India. This year the ground water table has gone up by more than 11 metres. While near the Himalayas it...
26 Feb 17
2 people