A woman but trapped in a man body,

@ellie26 (4139)
April 17, 2007 6:41am CST
Why do some 'man' likes to dress up like woman? What actually their feeling inside? I once have a male friend who live like a woman. I asked him why he choose this life and he said ever since he was a boy he really love dressing up and do the make up. As he grows older, he is determined to completely change his identity to a woman. I felt pity on him because he was 36 at that time (3yrs ago) and he was doing his best to save up for the operation to become a complete woman. There is another story where a man who knew that the woman he was marrying was actually a man. They did get married and even got the blessing from both parents. What is mylot users comments on this persons. Do you think that they have some kind of pshcology problems? Can they be go for counselling to change their mind to become what they are born to?
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