How to handle a "chaotic" mother in law

United States
April 17, 2007 7:42am CST
My mother in law is very "chaotic". That's the only way I can describe her. When she comes over it's like she's trying to dominate and control everything that goes on. She's not happy unless she's the center of attention. She talks NON-stop. Don't get me wrong - I could have a much worse mother in law. She's very kind, she's pretty aware of her shortcomings, and I know she loves us dearly - she just doesn't have the will power to stop her bad habits. Sometimes I want to drug her so she'll just stop. My husband of course won't hear any of this - not that we can change her. I just need to vent once and a while and she stresses me out when she's around. I need advice on how to not allow her to stress me out. I've tried keeping her busy, but then I feel guilty that she's doing dishes or folding laundry - and she's so flustered I usually have to re-do what she's done because she doesn't focus enough to finish the job. She thinks of something she wants to say and drops it all. Yikes - I've just let myself get stressed just thinking about it! Advice please!!!!
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