free soccer games to play.

July 20, 2006 11:41am CST
I love playing video games.
9 responses
• United States
30 Jul 06 Let me know which is your favorite.
19 Jan 10
What about ? Its like Sims meets Championship manager but better.
• India
9 Jan 07
but i dont love u know
@katyzzz (2897)
• Australia
6 Jan 07
Me, too, but not soccer
• India
17 Dec 06
i have not had time to play fifa 2k6 yet, but I have played 04,05 so i'll talk about those comapred to winning eleven the biggest problem with the fifa series (EA sports) is that it feels like you are playing an arcade. this is true especially in 2005 where the passing is a bit too easy, slide tackling is too easy. the players slide too far not to mention how few fouls are not called on bad tackles. another issue was that defense was hard to play since passes seem to go through anywhere. its hard to defend while "supermanning" (our term for using one guy to try to run/juke throught he defense) is really easy. corners/free kicks are unrealistic and there is essentially no midfield game in 2004, defense was easy since the through pass just didn't work. it was hard to play good offense and this resulted long balls and hope your player can get there. the flaw of the fifa series is that it just doesn't seem real, it feels like a game. winning eleven does much better. the feel of the game is real, you have the quick start off fouls, you can play the advantage on fouls. it is easier to juke and run through defenses, which felt okay. the major flaw in the game is that free kicks/corners are really hard to do. we didn't have the instructions for the game so that could have probably really helped. but if i had to choose, want to have some fun? go with fifa, want to play something realistic, winning elevens the way to go. if you want to compete with your friends, winning eleven is better.
@earnlots (266)
• India
20 Dec 06
No idea..! I'm sorry..!
5 Jan 07
22 Sep 06
If you're into simulation style games as well try
• India
23 Sep 06
if u are into pc games...i suggest u to visit
@mookies (648)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 06
of course i do..