How would you have handled this???
By daycarepal
@daycarepal (1998)
United States
April 17, 2007 5:34pm CST
Today I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for my husband. It was SUPER windy, very cold and drizzling. A lady in a red van pulls up in the spot next to me on the passenger side of my Jeep. I guess she didn't see me sitting in the truck at first. She opens her van door and the wind takes it, hitting it into my passenger side mirror. She never looked up. Instead she sat there with the door open and against my mirror and puffed away on her cigarrette. When she was done and got out of the van, she saw me in the truck and said "oh sorry" and walked away.
I just gave her a look and shook my head. After I got home I looked and there's a big mark on the side of my passenger door and a smaller mark on my mirror. Now I'm wondering if I should have said something to the lady, although I suppose it wouldn't have done any good. Just kind of bugged me how she said there puffing away on her cigarrette and couldn't care less about moving her door cause she didn't think anyone was in the truck.
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24 responses
@ScrappinHappyMom (914)
• United States
17 Apr 07
Well I have to be honest I am not as nearly as calm and rational as you seem to be.
The second the door hit my mirror I would have rolled down my window and checked for damage. Upon seeing damage I would have opened my mouth and in a not so polite way asked for her insurance money.
When my son was younger he opened his door without being cautious and dented the truck next to us. I sat and waited for the car owner and gave them all of my information. I think people who don't take responsiblity for themselves are sad.
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@daycarepal (1998)
• United States
17 Apr 07
Well I usually do speak up and I probably would have if I wasn't so darn tired today. I got up at 5am and my husband and I had to drive 1 1/2 hours away for a meeting and then back home, then I had to drop him off for this interview, while he was there I ran to return a shirt in the mall, went to Walmart to pick out a new bed for the cat. When I finally got to the parking lot to pick him up, he wasn't done with his job interview yet so I sat there in my truck for almost an hour. I was so tired from all my running around today, I didn't have the energy to get out of my truck in the nasty weather to yell at this ignorant person.
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@onecutehoneybear (938)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I would have definitely said something. If she didn't want to give you the information I would have taken down her license plate and called called the police to come out so that you can have a record on file.
A lot of people will do this thinking no one saw them. If she did it to you she will do it to someone else. Its better to put a stop to it now so she will learn her lesson.
I'm sorry this happened to you today. Next time speak up though, it will be better in the long run.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
17 Apr 07
I know most people would probably say something, I had a man bump into the back of my car once there was onlu a bit of a scratch and he gave me his details and stuff but I just can't do without my car to bother about getting scratches fixed up, so I jusy put it all down to a scratch and cars get them, I think this is why I would never want an expensive cars, they are parked in gutters and are just things to get us from one place to another, I just won't let myself get I don't know you may feel differently to me but I will admit she could have said something to you, it would have been nice.
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
17 Apr 07
The nerve! I would have said something like "excuse me!?" When she opened the door. I am sure it was an accident and the wind blew it away from her, but still she could have been a little concerned for your property. I would have also got out to check before leaving. I would have also called the police if it was very bad, and taken her tag # just in case she tried to leave before they got there.
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@kodie420 (872)
• Canada
17 Apr 07
Well ill tell you if that happened to my vechile I would have flipped out. For one thats rude just walking away but not even to stay and talk for a minute after damaging your vechile is really sad. I would have gotten her licence plate number and called it in as vandilizim. Im telling you that would of teached her pretty quick.
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@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
18 Apr 07
If she's acknowledged the fact she'd done damage and actually gotten out of her truck to apologise I would have been calm, though I don't know if I'd let her get away scot-free. Now if she had just sat there I would be quite angry and would let her know that i expected her to pay for the repairs, and I would also take down the licence plate number for extra security....some people are just plain rude..:(
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
18 Apr 07
I definately would have gotten out of the car, checked for damages and took the licensplate on her car and filed a report. Some people are so ignorent and do not care about other people or other peoples possesions. I get furiated about things like this
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@angelofdeath (345)
• Philippines
18 Apr 07
you should have looked at her plate numbers and report her to the police..
or if you want a little more brutal attack, you should have kicked her butt and done the same thing she did!
i mean, i could do that because i believe in equality.
the golden rule, isn't it?
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@daycarepal (1998)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Oh I like your thinking!! LOL!! Actually I do know where she works, she works at the restaurant that my husband was interviewing at. She was dressed in her work clothes, so I know she is an employee there. My husband was interviewing for a management position there, it was his 2nd interview. Would be kind of funny if he got job and then fired her butt.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I would have gotten out of the truck when she was there and checked for dents. She should be responsible for any marks that are permanent on your truck. I would have asked for her insurance information and told her that if your husband couldn't buff it out, you would contact her insurance company to pay for the damages. If she refused to give you her insurance info, I would have taken her liscense plate # and reported it to the police. I feel that some people are very careless with others vehicles and they should be responsible for their actions.
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@jay_em93 (99)
• Philippines
18 Apr 07
If she couldn't care less about other peoples property then let her be aware that she has obligation to other people. She should have paid the dent that she made. You should have talked to her and tell her what she did and that can't be undone by the word "sorry".
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@vebela (310)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I am pretty non-confrontational, and I am scared of how crazy or unreasonable other people might react, even if it is their fault. I honestly would have probably staying in the car, like you, giving bad looks to her. As soon as she started walking away, I would have checked the damage, and then gotten her license plate. In my state, I would have been able to get it fixed through Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists coverage...and because I was able to get her car information written down, my insurance company would be able to report her to the DMV as causing an accident. It would have been the only way to force responsibility on her without having confrontation.
My mother-in-law, on the other hand, is a bit more vindictive. She would have scratched up her car on one side from end to end with her keys. She's lucky she didn't pull that stuff with her!
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
18 Apr 07
That happened to me once. It wasn't windy though and it was a couple of two older ladies.
I was sitting in the passenger seat, waiting on my mom to come back and these ladies drove up and they hit the side of the car pretty hard and then looked at me and didn't say anything.
They then walked off into the store and my mom came back and I told her what happened and she laughed, but when we checked on the side door we had a huge dent in it.
My mom was upset, so she waited until the ladies came out and she said nicely "I think you hit my side door and left a dent in the side when you were getting out of your car."
Well, the lady looked at my mom and said "prove it!" and then started loading her car up while ignoring us. My mom was like "my daughter seen you hit our car."
They ignored everything else from here on and left.
But I got the license plate number and we reported it and we got our car door fixed 6 months later.
SO next time this happens, before you say anything, just get the number and then say something to see what they say.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
18 Apr 07
It's always easier to analyze a situation after the fact but I think I would have gotten out and checked the damage and exchanged insurance information...this would possibly have impressed on her the consequences of her actions...Of course she probably didn't intentionally hit your jeep..but she needs to be responsible for her lack of forethought..the wind is blowing and one has to allow for that by holding their doors when opening them...I'm so sorry you had this happen to you...:(
@natalie1981 (1995)
• Singapore
18 Apr 07
Well, I think the right thing to do would have been to say something but I'm really a passive person and I hate confrontation and I would have done the same thing as you would have...But then again, I'm trying to be more assertive these past few years and I think it may depend on my mood if I would have confronted the other person or not.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
18 Apr 07
That was just rude and ignorant of her. I can't believe how uncaring some people are towards other people's property. It's like they have no respect.
And people like that are usually the first one's to fuss if someone did that to their car.
I probably would have said something, like, "Uh, EXCUSE me, do you mind getting your car door off of mine?" But then maybe not, I am not a very confrontational person. But I would have wanted too!
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@raven9595 (101)
• United States
18 Apr 07
If you are in the U.S. she is legally responsible for any damages to your vehicle. Knowing it's windy out a resonable person would take care opening thier door. According toyou, she did not. You should of immediately inspected your car for damage in front of her, if there was you call a cop for a police report of the incident (you will nedd this to cooberate your story). If they try to walk away tell them you are calling the police, and if they take off take down thier licsence plate number and tell the police they left the scene. Them leaving the scene actually works to your advantage, since in US courts it's a sign of guilt. If they say dings are to be expected in parking lots, not so - you have a right to have your property put back into the condition prior to them damaging it.
This happend to me with my car door, some woman flung it open and smacked my door causing a dent and chipped paint. they tried to walk away, I called the police they took a report and they tried to leave the scene with the cop there, he took thier licsence plate number and ticketed them. That little damage cost over $1,000 to fix. I ended up getting paid in full by thier insurance company - they recieved 3 tickets (leaving the scene of an accident, failt to obey a police officer, and no signal as they left the parking lot) and thier insurance premium went up.... and they tried to act like it nothing had happend.
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@ladylapulapu (81)
• Philippines
18 Apr 07
hehehehe that was so freaky .. i understand that girl as you sed in your story it was windy cold and drizzling bec of that weather she didnt really saw you at all ...if im the one in your situation i will totally freak out heheehehe
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