Cell Phones killing off bees and maybe more?
By emeraldisle
@emeraldisle (13139)
United States
April 17, 2007 6:39pm CST
I had heard about this breaking news but had not seen it so I did a search on the web. It seems that bees are disappearing in massive amounts around the world. Some studies are showing that cell phone radiation could be the cuase. The artical disucsses other dangers that are being studied as well. That cell phones cause cancer and kill of brain cells. Scary thoughts when you consider how many use cell phones. Here is one place where you can read the full article
So what do you think about this? Should cell phones be banned as being bad for us and the enviroment? Should we continue to use them and hope they come out with safer ways to? Do you think it's all bunk and we should ignore it all? Share your opinions on all this.
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27 responses
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Well, I have heard of cell phone possibly causing cancer.
And I have wondered if the rise in brain aneurysms might be caused due to cell phones. But then to say that cell phones might be the cause of a bee scarce.
Maybe that would be more effected by global warming.
We see bees more often in the spring when the flowers are blooming.
But when were have erratic weather warming and freezing and then warming again, it causes the flowers to not bloom or mature. Then there are droughts that are killing off farms.
So, I don't know if I could blame it on the cell phone waves...but I think it could be something else than cell phones.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
It could be a variety of things causing it too and not just one thing. They aren't sure. It's just one study so far but either way it's scary. Without bees to pollenate the farms it can and has been already effecting the crops. Who knows what might happen in time with that.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I do happen to have a cell phone but rarely use it..and it kind of amuses me seeing people yakking away a storm on them while walking on the street--it's almost funny..sometimes annoying-I mean do people think we want to listen in on their conversations..yes it's nice to reach out and touch someone but this is ridiculous at times...I can see cells used for real dire emergencies..and yes, I was aware for a long time that there were dangers of cell phone use and links with damaging brain cells/cancer--didn't know about the bees though...I think since so many people DO use cell phones though that they should be a lot safer....you wouldn't happen to know if the other thing is safer do you? I mean those clip on things people put in their ears that make them look like something out of Star Trek--LOL--Also...here's another point to ponder...after reading Stephen King's book entitled CELL...I'd be leary of using them!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I have no clue if any are safer then others. I don't have one and now I don't know if I do :) I haven't read "The Cell" by Stephen King but we do have it here. My sister hasn't finished it yet.
The bee thing is just recent. Who knows for sure what is causing what but it is a curious thing.
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I say anything is possible but I don't think this is all that likely.
If anything I would think it was global warming.
I don't think we should ban cell phones cause they save a lot of lives a year but I do think they should come up with something safer. Everything causes cancer these days. So it's hard to just stop one thing.
But I'm no expert :)
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Yeah it would be nice.
Sorry if I come off a bit...odd there. I'm in a mood. LOL :)
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Not a problem :) I know that type of mood all too well. It happens to the best of us, not that I really noticed. It's true everything now a days seems to cause cancer.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
You do have a point on the fact that everything seems to be causing cancer now a days. It would be nice if they came up with something safer though. Something we could worry less on anyways.
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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
18 Apr 07
There is no evidence to that effect otherwise lot of other insects would be dying as well. With the situation of the planet getting warmer it will affect many species and even humans die to the excessive heat. The planet earth is going through the phase of an ever decreasing orbit around the sun and I am the only one that thinks this is the ONLY reason for global warming.
Have a nice day from deeeky.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Good morning Deeeky,
I am not a CO2 global warming alarmist. Rather, I attribute most of the latest stage warming to the measurable gamma radiation (as measured by NASA physicists) being emitted by the supernova in our neighboring galaxy.
However, research does seem to show that the radiation emitted from cellphones does interefere with the navigational abilities of bees. Specifically, researchers stood next to a bee hive with cell phones turned on. And, the bees couldn't find the hive, which was right in front of them.
I admit that that particular test is not conclusive. I add to that my own observations of plentiful bees in my locale until three years when a new cell phone tower was installed a couple miles from our home. The tower was installed during the fall/early winter. That spring there didn't seem to be as many bees. The following year, fewer still, and last year I was truly alarmed because I only saw a few bees all season long. And, we only got two apples and no peaches, even though there was no late frost to damage the fruit blossoms.
As an avid gardener, I am very attentive of weather and other observable phenomena that might affect our fruit, veggie & floral crop yields. And I must say, there has been a notable 3yr. decline in the bee populations, such that my husband and I discussed taking up apiary pursuits to bolster our local bee populations.
I have seen other theories presented for the mass decline of global bee populations: hybridized plant species, genetically modified plant species (both of which alter the pollen, and subsequently the honey). Yet, I cannot dismiss the observable variance in bee populations right after that new cell phone tower went up.
My real point is that if Albert Einstein proclamated that man could only survive approx. four years without bees on the planet, then I think this issue needs to be catapulted to the top of the priority list. Let's find out conclusively why the bees are dying, and why bee hives are being abandoned, without the natural parasites and other insects taking over occupancy as would normally occur.
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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
18 Apr 07
mobile phones are only part of the massive radiation that we are all being subjected to! Just because you cannott see the waves from Television (BBC,ITV,CHANNEL4 and their duplicates, plus hundreds of sky channels plus millions of police,navy, army, airforce etc etc etc.
If you could see ALL those waves that are passing through you right at this moment you will understand the GLOBAL impact of what we are living in and is a cloud of radiation all around us.!!!!!!!!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I agree that with this issue it should be taking priority. Without the bees we are in serious trouble and whatever is causing it needs to be investigated and fixed. I don't know what it is but I think their points on the cell phones need to be addressed. Find out for sure one way or another on it.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I have heard this for a long time that cell phones can cause cancer and kill brain cells, but I thought it was disproved. I thought it was just an urban legend. That is SOOO scary if it's real.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Doesn't seem to be an urban legend since they are still doing studies on it. It's incunclusive so far but they do think it's possible.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
18 Apr 07
my brother was just talking about this the other day-
about bees disappearing.i'll have to show him this link because neither of us had heard a theory as to why.
if this is effecting the bees,they're going to have to do something,we need them.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
We do need them that's for sure. For some they might be a pain but they do serve a big purpose in this world.
I know I hadn't either. My mom caught it on CNN and she told my brother who told me. I then did a search because getting it round about that way one never knows how accurate it is but it was. Scary huh?
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I'm sorry but this reminds me of the big microwave hysteria. Remember that? Microwave ovens were supposedly responsible for anything from brain tumors to poisoning our food with radiation. It turned out to be a crock.
Cell phones do not put out the amount of radiation needed to wipe out bees around the globe. And why just bees?
Here is something that I have been saying ever since it happened...Do you remember the tsunami? It was powerful enough that it knocked our planet a full 2 degrees off its' axis. Now, that doesn't sound like much, but one degree is 750 miles. So we are now 1500 miles off the earths' normal balance.
Here is my theory...and I'm seeing it happen every season...that 2 degrees is changing our weather patterns, our growing seasons and our wildlife.
If a planets' weather patterns change, everything is affected. The winters are longer. We are seeing later springs and hotter summers, more and more severe storms in places that didn't have them before.
If anything is killing the bees, it's the effects of the tsunami.
As for the brain tumors, look at the crap we put into our environment and it's easy to see why we have all forms of tumors.
That's my opinion.

@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I read the article and I just feel that there are too many "iffies"
What bee farmer is going to use his cell around the hives enough to drive off his bees? I mean sure, I can see how if you turned your cell on and placed it near the hive it could interupt the bees "GPS" but at the same time, I don't know many farmers that would talk on their cell enough to cause this while out in the field trying to put in a days work.
I can see though, how using a cell on the same side of your head, talking excessively for 10 or more years could cause cancer. I'll concede to that. But the bee problem, in my opinion, is going to have a far scarier reason behind it.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Yeah there is a lot of unknowns. For all I know it could be the towers causing the problems along with them. I think I'll leave it to the scientists to figure out.
As to the cancer, that one seems more logical. As does the killing of brain cells but again they are still studying it. Something to keep an eye on that's for sure.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Well with the bees they aren't saying it kills them directly. It's that it throws off their internal homing becon so they can't find the hive. If they can't find it and become lost then they die because of it. That's the theory anyway.
I think there are many reasons for cancer and they started well before the cell phones. That being said I have to admit that when they are seeing more brain tumors appearing and they are on the same side as the where people held the cell phone it does give one reason to think about it. I'm not saying it's 100 percent or anything like that. I'm just saying it might be something they need to check out and perhaps fix.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Good morning Emeraldisle,
I hope you don't mind me jumping from my post to yours to chime in on this conundrum.
Different members are interacting in various posts on this topic. I figure it's probably best to discuss this as broadly as possible to initiate intelligent debate on the possible ramifications of the declining bee population. If the many are clammoring on this subject, then hopefully more committed research using scientific modelling will follow.
I figure: if Einstein warned of the dangers of bees disappearing, he being one of the smartest people ever, ... we might want to heed his warning.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Welcome to the discussion :)
I agree, whatever the cause may be we need to find out what it is and stop the problem. Without bees our world is gone. Humanity cannot survive without the food that they cause to be grown. We are already seeing a fall in the crops. If it continues we will see some foods become harder to find or get a hold of. People will start screaming about rising costs and then the scarcity of their food choices. By then it might be too late to correct the problem. This needs to be solved and fast. This should be on the top list of problems to be fixed.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
29 Apr 07
I think cell phones have always been debated as "unsafe" and cancer causing but the big money involved with them, like everything else that big business is into, keeps the real answers from coming out. I think it could be quite true. The loss of bees in our world would be truly detrimental and in all honesty could be the beginning of the end of our world as we know it. Sounds crazy but it's truly quite plausible if you ask me.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
29 Apr 07
You have a good point. Those with the money have a tendency to bury things. I'm sure the cell phone companies do not want it to be known if they do cause problems.
You are right without the bees our world will change. Humanity would have a big problem with trying to feed itself.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I know that cell phones can cause cancer and or kill brain cells in small children. I have heard this years back and that it's not safe to allow a child or even a young teenager to use a cell phone all the time. Crazy, but from what I read and hear, it might be true.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I tell ya the more I read about them the more I'm glad I don't have one. They complain about so many other things with just a few studies on them showing negative consequences and yet cell phones aren't being labeled as being dangerous like other things are. I have to wonder why.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
18 Apr 07
There has been controversy over cell phones for almost as long as they have been around. The most publicized for quite awhile what the causing of brain tumors.
Then along cam a study that no that was not true because of the way cell phones are designed now it would not be a problem. But we always worry anyway.
So what is it that we worry about. It has to be the transmission and receiving of what use to be called radio waves. Well when you think of it how many other of these "radio waves" are we hit buy all the time. Radio, television, satellite, communication signals of all kinds. So I am not sure we have anymore of a threat from cell phones than almost anything else.
Of course if we have that phone up to our ear most of our working day it is by far more likely to give us problems if indeed that threat is there. Otherwise I think not. The sad part about this is that only time and a number of deaths proven to be linked to them will prove it is.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Actually in the article they weren't talking about radio waves but the radiation given off by cell phones. That it was the problem to not only the bees but for possible brain tumors and the dying of brain cells.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Very good point. If it does prove positive let alone the other studies on cancer, brain cells and even sprem count (yes one shows it might effect that too)then I'm sure we'll all be effected in one way or another.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Yes thank you. I am very well aware of that but as I wrote this I could not come up with the right words.
Just goes to prove you should only say what you are sure of.
If it proves out in the long run that radiation from cell phones do cause problems there will be very few of us not effected.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Yeah nothing is been proven yet on it. It's all in the early stages of studies and they probably won't know anything for sure for a long time. I just hope that they don't find out too late.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Apr 07
It seems there might be some answers about why so many bees are dying off --I came across this in one of my e-mails--it seems some kind of fungus might actually be the culprit--but you can read for your self
And I sure hope I get the link right
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
29 Apr 07
That was interesting. They are still researching it as with other theories. I'm curious though how a fungus would spread all across the US plus Europe and England. Last I heard it's also hit Australia. I'm just wondering how it would spread especially to Australia. I'm just hoping they figure it out.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
18 Apr 07
Someone brought this up to me yesterday, about a lot of English bees having been reported as dying on the BBC news. I hadn't heard a thing about it and it is the first I had heard about cell phones being a possible cause. I think there are probably other, worse factors that would be a more likely cause, though. Pesticides, for one thing.
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@lifetalk (679)
• Pakistan
18 Apr 07
Well, i'd say, banning cellphones is something that will never be thought of or implemented. Because the modern world has come to rely so much on them, that i dount things would be working the way they are without cell phones. I mean, on the commercial part, it would disrupt the normal operation and all in the offices and all! So, i'd say, better thing to do would be to design some sort of equipment that would absorb the harmful waves, something that would attach somewhere on the cellphone. ANd if i am not mistaken, such gadgets do exist as of now too. Something that's like a mini disc, attaches to the back of a cell, and absorbs the harmful emmission!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
If it is the cause and they can't fix it do you still think it shouldn't be banned? We can't survive without bees to pollinate the crops so is keeping a cell phone worth all of humanity dying out?
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
28 Apr 07
I think cell phones are necessary now days. But it should only be used for important things. I've noticed that people do chat and gossip by cell phones and it is not supposed to be like that. Please don't use cell phones for such things. You can do it by using a regular phone at home.
Many phone companies are offering more and more air time with cheaper prices. No wonder why people use it more often. If we want to save bees and the environment, we can use other technology such as iPod and Blackberry instead of cell phones.
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@psychomom (42)
• United States
21 Apr 07
It's scary,but I too have noticed a decline in the bee population. Not only bees but hornets and wasps as well. I don't use a cell phone. I have no need for one. I have one here(needs to be charged)that I can call 911 on if necessary. I never carry it though. Banning cell phone use wouldn't bother me. I find them rude and annoying when trying to talk to someone and their cell goes off.
@chenxiaoyue_713 (2165)
• China
18 Apr 07
Why? There are still a larget amount of bees in my country. I haven't heard about cell phone radiation being the cause of decreasing of bees. If it's true, I still don't agree with the banning of cell phones, cause cell phones have become a necessary part of our lives. With regard to the decrease of bees, some other measures should be taken to deal with it.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
The problem is spreading through Europe and the States. We are already seeing decreases in crops. Without bees are crops will not be polinated and we won't have them. So neccessity or not if it is the cause do you really think we should keep them? Is it more important to be able to call someone then it is to be able to eat?
@haedescanes (592)
• Philippines
18 Apr 07
I have watched the video also at yahoo, that bees are disappearing. Cellphones are blamed but that i dea was not proven yet. They are still studying that idea. They said that cellphone waves/radiation distort the brains of bees and with that they are unabale to go back to their hives. They get lost and die eventually because they starve and unable to nourish themselves. Well, to summarize, it was not proven yet but the bees are lessened by half and that is allarming.Goodluck!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I agree it is alarming and something they need to figure out and figure out fast. Whether it's the cell phones or another cause losing the bees is not something we can afford.
@ridewithme69 (12)
• United States
18 Apr 07
i think about the only way a cell phone could kill a bee is if you hit the bee with the phone or used it to call an exterminator
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