Fascinating teatre...Atmosphere shinning and creative life...by BRELUSTE dk

April 18, 2007 6:05am CST
Before I start to live in Denmark, when i was in my town in Italy Verona, I was 4 years in a teaterĀ“s company.We performing commedies, personally I am in the stage twice, I was allmost backstage as jolly..I have lives and touch in my hands the wondwerfull atmosphere and emotional life that is liveble in a company how I was with.. Fiction and real life, sometimes mix up to give a addittional "life into life", where each of us was playing a role, and at the end of the performing by stage, life make us performing in life.. I never lost this experience, and I never lost my friends of them since now..With some of them I am still in contact..That was not a "normal friendhip" with some of them was a brotherhood, and complicity and feeling..that still persist and existe since them.. ..So I am sure it will be forewer.. Ciao from BRELUSTE dk
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