Satisfying Jobs
By byfaithonly
@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
April 18, 2007 3:53pm CST
Over the years I've had a wide range of jobs, from shop rat to model, from caregiver to engineering assistant. There was something about most every job that I liked but to be honest the job I enjoy the most is the job I have now, freelance writing. Oh it's not perfect and there are things I would like to improve such as having more consistant pay but I have wanted to be a writter since I was 12 years old and it only took 49 years to get there.
I just read an article on Yahoo and was actually not surprised to see the results of a survey on Satisfying Jobs
Across all occupations, on average 47 percent of those surveyed said they were satisfied with their jobs and 33 percent reported being very happy.
Here are the Top 10 most gratifying jobs and the percentage of subjects who said they were very satisfied with the job:
Clergy—87 percent percent
Firefighters—80 percent percent
Physical therapists—78 percent percent
Authors—74 percent
Special education teachers—70 percent
Teachers—69 percent
Education administrators—68 percent
Painters and sculptors—67 percent
Psychologists—67 percent
Security and financial services salespersons—65 percent
Operating engineers—64 percent
Office supervisors—61 percent
full article (also lists top least satisfying jobs)
Where do you think you fit in this survey? Are you satisfied with your job? Is there anything that could make it more satisfying? If you are unsatisfied with your job would you or could you consider changing jobs?
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18 responses
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Although i do like to write. I don't know that I will ever get off my butt to write. LOL So honestly I don't fit any of those. I do like staying home and what i do now. making money my my lotting and surveys and cha cha. I like so I would have to say my job is my own business. Faith, i hope you are doing well. Have missed seeing you.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I know, I've kinda gotten into a slump on this most resent assignment. I was all excited about it when I got it but the client wanted to supply some particular information to be included and they've been really slow getting it to us. I've kinda been treading water and actually have the last 3 chapters of the e-book finished but can't do the first 2 without their stuff. It will be 9 chapters but can't seem to get motivated to do the middle without the begining - it's weird and I'm losing my excitement for it.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
18 Apr 07
No, it's not really writers block, and I've had two weeks nearly that I haven't worked on it. It's just writing a book backwards that's frustrating. Tomorrow I'm going to go ahead and work on a couple more chapters but it will be impossible to finish without all the material. They want interviews included in the first chapter but they are doing the interviews - I wish they would have just let me do those, I would have had it done by now.
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@CRiley27 (983)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Hi Faith! Hope things are going well. Like you, I have had all types of jobs. Ranging from cleaning up animal cages, price checker in a supermarket on roller skates, to an armed officer at a military base. Now I am a stay at home mom. I truly loved working as an armed officer.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Wow, price checker on roller skates sounds fun, I've always loved to skate (kids tried getting me on roller blades though and I couldn't get the hang of that).
I am still a little under the weather but doing much better, thank you for asking.
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@gberlin (3836)
19 Apr 07
Well I am a teacher and I agree I am pretty satisfied with my job. Some days make me wish I did something else but then I have days like today where a student comes up to me and gives me a hug. I teach high school age students at a parochial boarding school. I know some people find it hard to believe that working with high schoo students would be enjoyable but it is. Also, my wife is the head girls dean so we live in the girls dorm. One hundred and fifteen teenage girls is quite interesting. We have lived in the girls dorm for almost ten years now. I think I could write a book but I am not done with this adventure yet so I will have to wait!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I very much admire and appreciate those who enjoy teaching the high school aged students. For 3 years I worked for the technical department of our school district. For 2 of those years I worked mainly with the elementary age students - in computer labs of 3 elementary schools helping students, teachers, and staff with computer usage and new software. I loved that very much, that age the kids are like sponges and want to learn everything. At the middle school and high school level they seem to already know everything and want to show you they know more than you. - that is public school though.
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@maribea (2366)
• Italy
19 Apr 07
this discussion seems so apt to me...the fact is that I love my job...I mean I love what I am ...a doctor and a researcher but I am not satisfied with my present job and with the job opportunities they are offering to this is a very hard period because while working, I am trying to find a more suitable job and therefore I am even busier that usual!!!anyway I could not do anything else with the same complete inner satisfaction even though I have to admit that I have another secret dream and it is being a writer, too...I write poems and I write little stories and I write for myself on my diary...I am always writing thoughts here and there and jotting down notes about everything...maybe one day or another I could be a writer and I would love this, too!!!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Yep you sound like a writer at heart - this is something I have seen very common with most writers, it gets in your blood and you can't get it out. It is difficult finding another job while still working because of the time but writing is something you can do any place any time. There are some very talented and gifted writers here on myLot and also several published authors - this is a great place to get tips and ideas for moving forward in that area.
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@Zloofah (83)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I heard about that survey on a country radio station here in the Dallas area. The radio personality pointed out that, of course clergy is the most gratifying job because everyone loves you including your boss [God]! That was funny but true about the boss part.
I am in the midst of starting a new change in careers from a paralegal to a teacher starting this fall. All I have to do is pass my test the beginning of May and get a job offer. I can see why that is a gratifying job-because you are helping people and see the results. I like the legal field but I have been teaching/mentoring as a volunteer since I was 15 and I am 22 now.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Oh that is funny about the clergies boss. I do think a teacher is a rewarding job and it is true you do see results. I will keep you in my prayers that the test goes well and you will get a good job offer.
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@Robyn28 (384)
• Canada
19 Apr 07
That's cool
I'm a writter also while trying to be I found sometimes life got in the way of my dreams actuly it's my mother I still live under her roof and all I wanted was to write life get a part time job I didn't care for and focus on my writting ,but as long as I'm under her roof a full time job is in the cards for her. I'm going back to school because I'm between jobs again it's annoying when I have money I'd try to do something on line how did u find out about it? I think that is ideal as a job. I want to settle down and make money from home and have kids and do something I love.
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@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I also have had a wide range of jobs. Most of them have things I like and things I don't like. I think what has helped me be more satisfied with my work was changing my attitude and work ethic. I can understand why clergy would be the most satisfied. Most people who go into that field have a calling to help people. They feel like they are doing God's work and that is very satisfying. I also found it interesting that most painters and sculptors are satisfied as that is what I am trying to be.
I have noticed that nearly all the jobs have one of two facets: They are independent or self-directing, that is people who do those jobs are usually their own boss, the head of the business, or supervise people and make the top decisions. The second facet is that many of those jobs are jobs were they help people and solve problems.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I can see where not necessarily being their own bosses but a lot of creativity, artistic abilities being released. Helping or caring for others does seem very big.
That is so neat that you are a painter or sculptor. I've tried my hand at painting but afraid I'm not very good. I've always admired sculptors but never tried it myself.
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@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Thanks, I'm more of a painter than a sculptor. I have had some success, but, to be honest, for me to make a living at it, I need to do a lot more.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Yea I get a bit worried about the money and am actually looking into something I can do as a backup when I don't have a writing assignment.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
19 Apr 07
Wow that is quite a good result of people that are satisfied in their jobs or occupations that they do. In regards to myself I would fit into the Office Supervisor. As I have done this in my working life and loved it very much and was satisfied with what I did and enjoyed doing this particular job.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Now I was rather surprised to see the ranking so high for Office Supervisors - I've known several and none of them ever seemed really happy in their jobs, all of them had an attitude that 'someone has to do it so I do it'. That is good to hear that you enjoyed it, you have expanded my world :) I now know someone who does enjoy it.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
19 Apr 07
I was surprised that firefighters rated so highly in the job satisfaction. Here in Australia, firefighters have a very high divorce rate, in part due to their job.
I was a primary school teacher for 22 years. For most of that time I was very happy. However, towards the end, I finally realised that my views were not compatoble with the Education Departments anymore.So I took a seperation package.
POlice Officers here are a low satisfaction with their jobs, due to the bullying going on with their superiors.
I would never work for anyone else again.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I've personally known 2 firefighters and both were divorced I do know the problem in both marriages was he loved his job, the thrill, excitment, and danger. The wives on the other hand did not like their husbands jobs for the same reasons the husbands loved them. I can see their point it would be very difficult living every day concerned for a husband's safety.
I've known a couple of teachers who have left teaching because of disagreements with policies within the education system.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Yes faith i think you are right about jobs.I have also worked several places also...I know i have some talents as well as you know you do,we all do really...I have been writing since i was a child..I have also loved painting,I do oil paintings and I am good at this, but it don't bring in a lot of cash as you said,not steady anyway..Another thing that i have always loved was doing hair..When my children were older I went to Kingwood college and took a year in cosmetology, i went to state board and got my license..I worked for a few years and i still love it...I have 33 college hours and i was able to do teaching as sub, but i did not care for that.I have had a lot of jobs and they were ok, but not really what i wanted, so i think as far as jobs go,you do your best at what you enjoy...You said you enjoy freelance writing so thats what you should do..Some people are cut out for certain jobs and others aren't.When i took cometology some were taking it simply for a trade,and not because they really loved far as i was concerned they just wasted their time and money..and they have ended up not staying in that profession..So if you enjoy writing then you will excell in will get better and better..I read a couple of your articles in constant content and they are very good..If a person is not happy with the job they are doing then they are beating themselves out of true happiness.....
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Hi Faith,
I have had a few jobs over the years and liked them all. My very first job I went into the air force and was there for four years and then got out. I had a few years were I didn't have a job except taking care of the house and my child. I have worked as a janitorial custodian which was alright and I did like it. I was a child care worker at a child care development center which was on base and absolutely love it. I had the two year old children. I was there for eight years and then a medical problem cropped up and I was always having to leave work because of hurting so bad.(female problems) So I finally talked to my boss and explained I didn't think it was fair to the children since I was leaving about a hour after I got there. So I went ahead and left that job. I had a fight getting the doctors to do anything. I finally found a doctor who was willing to go that extra step and located the problem. That took three years. I have done other things after I got that taken care of and now I am working at a nursing home and I have a great job. I love it. I love the residents and my co-workers take very good care of the people that live there. I have been at this job for over 5 years. I get a paycheck for something I enjoy doing.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I too loved working at the care home and loved every one of the residents but am afraid several of my co-workers were not treating the residents right. Management knew this and also knew I was upset about it so were doing all they could to make my life miserable - their plan was to get some reason, any reason to fire me then if I reported the bad treatment I would be written off as a discruntaled (sp) ex-employee. I bet them to it, I was very nervous as I was only writing part-time then and didn't have much money but trusted God and quit. That way when I reported the situation the authorities listened - after all, I quit of my own accord. Thankfully when my writing boss heard I had a lot of free time on my hands they gave me as much work as they could so that helped.
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@livingforthelord (63)
• United States
20 Apr 07
i like my job. im a care giver and theres nothing like helping others. ive been doing it since i was 11. but i would love to work as a detective in the future. money isnt a concern with me just as long as i can do something that i love.
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@kavinpurams (184)
• India
19 Apr 07
Satisfaction of the jobe depends on the person. First of all we have to decide what kind of job is suit for you before selceting the job .job Satisfaction depends on the environment you are working and the friend whom your working if they are satisfied with there work we are also satisifed
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I agree with what you say but you did not answer any of the questions posed in the discussion:
Where do you think you fit in this survey? Are you satisfied with your job? Is there anything that could make it more satisfying? If you are unsatisfied with your job would you or could you consider changing jobs?
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@gharinder (2044)
• India
20 Apr 07
hi byfaith, i have been teaching for the last six years, i am satisfied with this job to some extent i must say, but these days i am more interested in writing and research related jobs, and the job i am doing is to be placed after these
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
21 Apr 07
I've found from talking with many 'writers' that once they got that thought in their mind nothing else was as satisfying and they continue to strive towards writing.
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
20 Apr 07
I have also worked in a variety of fields, although I am not working now because of a back injury. Of all of the jobs I had, the one that gave me the most satisfaction was when I worked in the daycare field. I really enjoyed working with the children.
@raven9595 (101)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I love my job besides being mentally challenging it offers me the means to pursue other interests.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I am guessing from your profile your job is being a kid but to respond to this discussion you need to tell us about your job,
Where do you think you fit in this survey? Are you satisfied with your job? Is there anything that could make it more satisfying? If you are unsatisfied with your job would you or could you consider changing jobs?