Do You Think Is Right to take God out Of Our Pledge Of Allegiance?I Don't!
By slickcut
@slickcut (8141)
United States
April 18, 2007 7:19pm CST
Mylotters,With hurricanes,tornados,fires that run out of control,all the thunderstorms, and all the things we face now days...Do you think with all this going on that we should take "God" out of the "Pledge Of Allegiance?...We have all kinds of threats in the word these days,many that comes to me would be aids,that awful bird flu,and think about this Iraq war,and our men are dying daily..We have terrorist attacks,its hardly safe to even fly these days,and if you do ,you worry if a terrorist has fallen through the cracks somehow..Don't you think that God is watching after us? I do!Do you think that this is a good time to just delete God from our pledge...God brings man into deep water,but not to drown us ,but to cleanse us....I personally think that God has his hand on each of us...I do not think that God should be left out of anything,especially our "pledge Of Allegiance..How do you feel about this?
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7 responses
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
5 May 07
I don't think they should take it out. It has been that way for 200+ years and should stay that way.
I am not a religious person but for someone to take offense and think the world should revolve around them is a shame.
I bet those people who cry about it celebrate Christmas and Easter. They may say they don't but going to a relative's house and eating a meal is celebrating it regardless how they look at it.
So what if it says god.
Personally if they don't want to live in a country that has been based on religion they should move to one that does not allow it.
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
10 May 07
Actually, 'under god' was not in the pledge of allegiance until 1954 when the knights of columbus helped lobby congress to make the change. It was thought that by adding 'under god' it would distinguish us from the communist countries of the time. It was unconstitutional then, as it is now, but that's what happens when you have intolerance infused into politics.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
11 May 07
Please take no offense to anything I said. I was only addressing the error you made in saying that it shouldn't be taken out because it has been that way for 200+ years, when in actuality the original pledge did not have the phrase and it wasn't imputed into the pledge until 1954. That means it hasn't been in the pledge all that long. I get tired of schools not teaching our youth the actual and factual events that went into making up our American history. Many are clueless to the fact that the original pledge was written for the sole purpose of showing national respect and patriotism to the American flag, and it was written by a spiritual christian preacher. It is also known that he reasoned not to include a religious tone to the pledge because he felt it was something that could be seen as isolating and not representative of the diversity envisioned in this country and the future of the country. It was only due to fear during the 1950's that congress was lobbied into believing we needed to take a 'godly' stance to separate ourselves from communist Soviet Union.
You are right there are more things to worry about these days, and if you read my post below you will see that I don't care which version of the pledge you say, as long as they don't intolerantly deny me the right to say it the way I was taught in elementary school--the original way. I'm not an athesist either, But I also no longer subscribe to organized religion as I find the tone of today's religions to be very intolerant and hypocritical.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
19 Apr 07
Gee, now you are saying your god will stop global warming? if he exists, where was he Monday morning while 32 Christians were getting murdered. Sorry, but praying won't stop global warming and its effects, niether will it stop one single terrorist from doing what he choses to do. You want to stop that from happenoing, get off our knees and do something. Sell your SUV nd buy a bike, turn your heat down a notch, stop buyingover packaged products and filling the dumps with waste And check on your neighbours and befriend the lonely and mentally ill. That's how you prevent this kind of thing, not by praying
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
5 May 07
Judy have you had a college level Psychology course?
I am not religious. I doubt prayer will fix global warming. However group prayer has accomplished many things.
You mentioned 32 Christians being murdered? I am going to guess you are talking about the Va Tech massacre. I didn't know they were Christians. As far as religion goes humans have free will, to do as they please. (That is the religious way to explain things that go awry.) ;)
Also IF we are going through revelations as described in the bible AND I were God, I wouldn't send down a beam of light to take who is going to go to heaven. I might as well put up a sign and send invitations too.
I would take them in every day accidents such as the Va Tech murders. And if there is a God, it would probably do it in a similar manner.
Before you attack religion you should know it. You can not doubt what you don't know.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
10 May 07
Interestingly, when I went to elementary school in the late 70's, we were taught to say the Pledge the original way without reference to 'under god'. I didn't know there was another way to say it until we moved to a new school district where they said it with 'under god'. I continued to say it the way I was taught and never got any flack for it either--it wasn't a big deal.
I also learned in elementary school, junior high, and high school the history of the Pledge and so I knew that the phrase 'under god' was not in the original pledge and the purpose of the original pledge was for patriotism purposes. The writer of the pledge himself was a religious man, but did not want to isolate anyone by infusing religion into a pledge to the United States flag a symbol of our nation. So, I do think the 'under god' phrase was never necessary, and that when they put it into the pledge in 1954, many years after it was written, it was unconstitutional. However, I don't care if you say it, as long as you respect others who do not wish to say that line.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
My personal belief is that God should be left in our Pledge of Allegiance, on our money, and any place else possible. But I know there are many, possibly more, who believe differently. They will eventually attempt to remove God from anything and everything but they will not succeed. God is every place including in my heart and no matter what others believe or do they well never be able to remove Him from there.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
19 Apr 07
To me we have put God in the pledge and why would we want to take him out? The ones that are fighting this are mostly the atheist, and it has been there for years so why mess with it...I see by some of the answers here that a lot of people here do not believe in god...that is so sad to me..thank you Faith for your reply..
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
19 Apr 07
A sign of the times dear just a sign of the times! But Praise the Lord - He will win in the long run, in the end, and we are blessed that we will be there with Him.
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@adnanezzi (243)
• India
27 Dec 07
i would like to explain this with an example.
in our school life we hated and feared our examinations the most. we even thought why should we go through this process. shoudnt the management of the school just pass us like that.but the reason for healding the exams are to get the best out of u.
likewise the god is teacher and this world is our school.
and the disaster we face r our exams.he takes it not to punish us but to get best out of us just like u ve stated so dont worry abt the exams[plight that we face]cause it arrives hope
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
16 Aug 11
Not many people believe in God and those who do have many versions of God. I think it should be left out. To me it sounds like adverting god. It is suppose to be a free country, to believe in whatever it feels right for you, but when it comes to the pledge is like they are forcing god down your throat. To each their own.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
19 Apr 07
I think we should take it out. Freedom of religion is a very important American principle, and I don't feel that having "God" in our pledge of allegiance supports freedom of religion. Also, the original pledge of allegiance didn't have those words in them, they were added later.
Whether people need God in their everyday lives is a totally different question than whether our government should be involved in religion. The pledge is supposed to be about patriotism, and you don't have to believe in God to be a patriot.