Do we need to saving our money?

April 18, 2007 9:08pm CST
My mom always said " saving your money , don't shop to much" Do we need to saving our money? I like to shopping a lot,buy a new clothes, new cosmetics just like the other girls. I've earning money since i was 16 years old, i did it because i want to buy something but i don't want ask my mom for it.I'm only saving when i want to buy something. Do you think we need to saving our money?
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33 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
19 Apr 07
Oh definitely, this is one thing my parents instilled in me, and I am very grateful, I had to save when I was young and then thanks to that when it was time for me to leave the nest I have enough money to put a deposit on a flat, which in turn helped me years later when I was made redundant from a job I had for many years...but I also believe in living your life so you must take some of that money you earn to enjoy your young life, so I say a little of both is good...
• Australia
19 Apr 07
Good for you, do you have other job then? With saving money we can get what we want.Is that true?
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
19 Apr 07
I believe you can get anything in life if you want it bad enough, no I reitred after I was made redundant and that was easy only because I already owned my little house, so I don't have much but I have what I need and the roof over my head, thats all I need, I hope you too get what ever you want out of life but remember to enjoy your journey your only here for a short time....
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@nanayangel (7878)
• Philippines
19 Apr 07
Yes. I believe that we should save every money that we can. Although this doesn't mean that we should sacrifice our needs like food. I never deprive myself of good food. You can also provide a reasonable amount for your recreation, shopping and other personal needs. Just try to save everytime you can. So that you'll have money in case of emergency and also for your future. Saving changes when you have your own family though. It gets more complicated because there's the bills and your family's needs, and you'll be saving up for your kids education and future. So it's never too early to start saving.
• Australia
19 Apr 07
So we must saving for our future? Need lot for that.Thank you
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
19 Apr 07
Yeah I do. For emergencies but it is hard to save money. I am having to save for next month to get me a new pair of glasses. I only wear them around the house. I wear contacts most of the time. Then there are thing that I want to save for like new games for my playstation 2. New clothes and other things that I don't need.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
13 Jul 07
I think the trick with savings is to learn to live on less. Its like we will spend the money that we know we have and so when you make it a habit of depositing a portion of the money you earn into an account that is very difficult for you to draw from, you forget about it and let the savings pile grow. You learn to live on the rest of your income. -If I am not wrong, this concept is the "Pay Yourself First" or "A portion of what I earn is mine to keep" idea.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
20 Apr 07
yeah best of look to you. As soon as I get payed I find something to spend it on.
• Australia
19 Apr 07
You so right, it so hard to save money.I always try to save my money, but it to difficult for me.Maybe i can save money in myLot.
• China
19 Apr 07
Yes,I think sometimes we need save some money for the suddenly and accidental things happening,even I always like you,spend all my salary to buy things,but now I begin to save some per month,I hope I can do it.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
19 Apr 07
yep. there are times when we want to spoil ourselves too much to the point that we feel like money won't end. but then, sooner or later if we don't know how to handle money well, we will end up having nothing at all in the future.
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• Australia
19 Apr 07
Thank you for your respond
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@BrainTeaser (1428)
• Pakistan
19 Apr 07
Ofcourse yes! I think one should go for the middle of the road dont spend too much on the things you can get in cheap and dont kill yourself aswell for the things you need ,buying things maked one will good so do buy but never over buy,saving money can be real handy once you live on your own and helps you out in your difficult time aswell.And i do think if one cant save while he/she was a kid he/she cant forever as over spending will become some kind of habbit,so start saving from now hehehe.
• Australia
19 Apr 07
Go saving for our future. Need to saving money then.Thank you so much
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@lornalhai (148)
• China
19 Apr 07
I think it is necessary to save some money, there is so many unsure things, so we should save some money to deal suddenness.
3 people like this
• Australia
19 Apr 07
Yup you right, i will try to saving my money Thank you
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
19 Apr 07
i was brought up practicing the value of saving money for emergency purposes. but not to the extent of starving yourself for things you want to buy for your own good. i like to save money. it's already a habit of mine to do so. no need to force myself to do it. it's automatic for me. whenever i have money, i try to save some and enjoy the rest.
• Australia
20 Apr 07
Good for you, you will always have extra money for your future then. Thank you
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I think we should save some money for rainy days and when we really need it in case of emergency. I am glad I saved some money while in college because I didn't have a job for a while after graduation. It's what i saved that helped me make it until I found one and I still save money in case of emergencies.
• Australia
20 Apr 07
Your like save by the money you saving. Very good. Thank You
@akudaniy (76)
• Indonesia
19 Apr 07
Saving... hmmm.... of course we need to made ourselves savings. the problem now is that the wants from ourselves to generate the savings. No need to look at the nominals of each when we save our money. just do it.. save... save... and save... but the great temptation comes after some times when we look at the number that we've saved. When it comes in hundreds, imagine what you might do with the mmoney?? :-)
2 people like this
• Australia
20 Apr 07
Yes, just save it don't look at the nominals sometimes when we see it then we can realized that we have a lot of money. Thank you
• Indonesia
19 Apr 07
Yes, we need to saving our money. it needed for the future...
2 people like this
• Australia
20 Apr 07
Go saving go...
@omarking (91)
• Egypt
19 Apr 07
yes i think so and my mom said that too 'saving your money,dont waste all ur money ,dont shop to much ,the white dollar can work in dark day ) i think we have to save money to protect our futuer and me too i love make shopping alot and buy things to eat and make parties and i dont save .01$ of my money but i think it is wrong but i still 15 years old
2 people like this
• Australia
20 Apr 07
Try to saving on your ages, you will need it one day. Thank you
• Malaysia
19 Apr 07
wow.. how did you earn money at such a young age? good for you.. yes.. everyone does need save money.. like they always say.. save it for the rainy day.. have you listen to such stories before? or should i tell you ? we don't throw away a pail of water when it's about to rain.. we save it because we don't know whether it's going to rain or not.. the translation would be like.. we don't waste our money on unnecessary things because we don't know in the future, we can earn back what we lost today.. but definitely.. it seems like easy to earn money to you.. doesn't mean it will be same in the future.. so.. do save your money :)
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• Australia
19 Apr 07
You right, we don't know what will happen in the future, if we save our money now maybe we can use it when something emergency is happen. Thank you
• United States
19 Apr 07
I just went to a Bible Study tonight and it was based on finances (money) and what God has to say about it. Give 10% of what you make to your church or charity, Pay Yourself (not money in your pocket to spend but money in stocks, bonds, savings, etc) then pay your Bills. If you aren't SAVING YOUR MONEY, one day you'll be hurting. I'm not sure if you live in the U.S. or not, but do you realize by the time you are old enough to retire that the government's social security plan will be in dire jeaopardy? You can't rely on Social Security Payments to sustain you when you are old. You must save for the future because one day you won't be able to physically work. Our preacher says it's also wise to not only have your money invested so it makes you MORE MONEY, but you should have at least 6 to 12 months living expenses in savings in the event you get hurt (on or off the job) sick, (anything from flu to cancer) or have unexpected emergencies. (Replacing tires on your car that you kept putting off until you had no other choice). After you give a little to God (which will acutally cause you to get MORE IN RETURN BECAUSE OF THE LAW OF RECIPROCITY---planting seed money to reap an even larger harvest of money later through God's blessings) and put some back for savings and pay your bills, you can do your shopping and spending on the things you want. (You'll notice if you start practicing these principals that the amount left over for the shopping will continue to increase as you become more blessed with money from God). That's my opinion. Hope it helps.
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• Australia
19 Apr 07
I done that too, give 10% to God. In my country me must have enough money for our future. Thank you and God bless you
@qoo_rie (428)
• Indonesia
19 Apr 07
WHOAAAAAA lately these always been my issue.... I believe we all should saving the money.. cos we never know when will we need 'them'... Yet, i have some savings on my account n i never felt enough. Same like y'll girls love to shopping, hangout, n others... been working since i'm in high school n now whoaaa where's the money goneeeee huwaaaaa but yet if we still single enjoy our money... but when yoy have your family.. there's a lot of thing u should think before u buy even a snack........
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• Australia
20 Apr 07
Yup your right, girls love to shopping and hangout. Just save a little money for our future
@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
21 Apr 07
I've been saving money all my life. When I was young it was usually so I could buy something I dearly wanted, but nowadays I try to save a little of my money for future use. We also need a nice little sum for unforeseen expenses (for example if our oven stops working) so that at least then we don't have to take money from our regular account (which we need to pay rent, utilities, food and tax). I learnt all this from my parents and I still feel it's very important to at least save a bit of money every month or at least every now and again.
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• Australia
21 Apr 07
You so great, you already saving from a young age. Thank you for sharing this
• Philippines
20 Apr 07
Of course! We need to save our money for future purposes... Better yet, open a bank account for more secured savings... Our parents keep saying to save our money because its for our own good... We cannot depend forever to them for our allowances... There comes a time that we have to work for it...
• Philippines
20 Apr 07
No may also work part time to save more money except from your allowance from your parents...
• Australia
20 Apr 07
Bank is the best way to save our money. Thank you girl
• Malaysia
19 Apr 07
Yes, we really need to do saving. We wouldn't know when we need it during emergency. There are people that spend what they earn. And end up struggle when come to crisis. For me, i'll transfer some amount of my salary to other account as saving. I wouldn't touch those money for normal expenses. I have target to save amount of money, but can hardly achieve it. But i always try my best :). You should start saving as well for your future. Cheers.
• Australia
19 Apr 07
Thank you for your support. I will try to save now
• Hong Kong
19 Apr 07
I used to not saving money at all, I shopped a lot back then as well, buying clothes and cosmetics, skincare, everything I want. But now I am getting older and I think it's safer to have some money in the bank for emergency use. I started saving last year and it was not as hard as I imagined. I save a certain portion of my salary in the bank and still I get to shop from time to time. I think saving is a good virtue. If you have to, you can use the saved money to do something you love later on.
• Australia
19 Apr 07
save money for buying an expensive stuff.heheh.. If you can do it, i can do it too.Thank you
@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
19 Apr 07
I save money. I know I'm going to use and need it someday. I think we really need to save up for ourselves also. It's good that we save up for something that we really want to buy because I also do that but I also save extra amounts aside like in a piggy bank or in my atm.
• Australia
19 Apr 07
That's a good idea have a piggy bank. Thank you
@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
7 Jul 07
I set aside money for diffrent things likes bills, food/or needs and set some aside for fun money and shopping money and when one pile runs out then too bad better luck next month.
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• Australia
13 Jul 07
Hello bowtieguy You are so right and can manage your money. Keep doing that friend. God bless you