life after death

July 21, 2006 4:10am CST
do we have life after death?
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7 responses
@Andy77 (430)
• United States
27 Jul 06
This is an age-old question. While I'm not sure if there's a heaven and hell, I do believe that our life force goes on and begins another life after we die.
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• India
8 Jan 07
You are mistakenly under the impression that our life goes on endless in a reproductive process as I imagine you want us to understand. No it cannot be. If there is a reproductive process with regard to life for humans, then it is altogether a mistaken notion. Man or woman has only one life, thereafter, the soul returns to take up its reward, which will be granted on the final day - we Chistians call it the Day of Judgement. Till that time, the soul will be in limbo awaiting the second coming of Jesus Christ. I will not argue more on this subject becasue that will mean giving away of certain points on which I shall be working for some publication purposes.
• South Africa
23 Jul 06
Sorry I'm Afrikaans speaking, maybe some one can translate it. Terwyl ons op aarde is moet ons vir die Here werk (ons moet siele wen vir die Here) want na ons die aarde verlaat (sterf) is daar aan die ander kant die ewige rus vir die siel wat gewerk het, ons beweeg dan in die koningkryk (daar waar lig is daar sal ons wees) Maar as ons nie gewerk het vir die Here hier op aarde nie, sal ons die dag as ons sterf, die lig soek want die siel keur terug na die Here, dan waar daar lig is sal ons siel saam met die lig beweeg, so sal ons die siel groot maak. Die Here is tog die Bruidegom en die siel is die Bruid. Ek hoop u sal iemand kry om dit te vertaal. Beste wense vir die toekoms.
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@sahyd2don (2942)
• India
8 Jan 07
bro dont use language other than English.I think thats not allowd on this site.You may lose your earnings.take care.
@katyzzz (2897)
• Australia
7 Jan 07
Of course
• India
8 Jan 07
should be.i think every religion states that as well
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
9 Jan 07
For sure we do! I have believed this ever since I can remember. I'm certain i've lived before as when I was a child I knew things beyond my years.
@nicedevil (684)
• Italy
30 Dec 06
si or not?????this is the question!!
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• Pakistan
8 Jan 07
ya i do beleiv in it